Domain Names Cases

The only source for worldwide domain
name arbitration & litigation data

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Domain name arbitration and litigation data from around the world

Darts-ip provides users with unique domain name arbitration and litigation data. Combined with the advanced industry knowledge of MarkMonitor, a leading corporate domain name registrar, users benefit from an unprecedented window into the world of Domain Name cases.

We collect, analyze and classify domain name arbitration and litigation cases, uploading them into our platform. Our advanced search interface allows users to rapidly and efficiently search through tens of thousands of cases worldwide in an instant, revealing crucial domain name data and analytics.

154K+ domain name cases | 2.5K+ courts

Domain names – value at every step

Our users leverage the power of cases at every step of the life of a domain name. From “Anticipation” to “Litigation”, see how our powerful search tools can be used to make decisions with more confidence.


  • Forum shopping
  • Find the killer argument
  • Well-known type of right
  • Pattern of conduct for registrant


  • Know your opponent
  • Similarity check

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Complaints, hearings, decisions, and settlements

In addition to the decisions, Darts-ip also gathers critical documents such as complaints, hearings, and settlements when available. This means users can learn the existence of a new case before it reaches a decision. Also, you’re not missing on cases that settle when the information is made available.

Domain name cases are collected from over 2 368 courts worldwide. As intellectual property has become a global matter, Darts-ip data helps users see the full picture by making global domain name cases completely accessible.

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Domain names — data extracted

Once a document is gathered, such as a decision, it’s analyzed by a local domain names specialist. Globally, a team of more than 170 analysts read case documents every day and extract precious data from them. When we extract data from legal documents, intellectual property cases becomes data that is accessible, searchable, and mineable.

Tailor-made search tools

The larger the database, the harder it is to find what you are looking for. When it comes to domain names, multiple filters enable you to find the right cases.

  • Domain name search: Search for decisions involving a specific disputed domain name, worldwide
  • Type of right: Search for decisions involving a specific type of right.
  • Top-level domain: Search for decisions involving a specific top-level domain.

Explore the largest platform for global intellectual property cases.

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