A trusted, in-depth look at over 1,200 diseases, procedures, symptoms and other health issues for incidence, prevalence, morbidity, mortality, comorbidity, treated or diagnosed rates, cost and much more from reliable peer-reviewed sources.
Forecast with confidence
Develop accurate market estimates for a new compound
Evaluate how affected populations are geographically distributed
Quickly see which peer-reviewed sources have been cited
Reliable epidemiology insights
Summary and projection tables
Capture insights you can trust with data compiled by PhD-level analysts using a unique methodology developed in partnership with a leading medical school
Monthly updates
Make decisions with confidence using current data that’s refreshed every month
Extensive disease coverage
Evaluate comorbidities and rare diseases with wide range of diseases covered
Peer-reviewed sources
Analyze data from peer-reviewed sources, not data from a vendor source or gathered using automation
Easily integrated
Access data via an API or a data feed