JCR 2023 Statistics

Our publisher-neutral journal intelligence enables
confident decision-making

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For almost half a century publishers, institutions, funders and researchers have trusted the impartial data provided by Journal Citation ReportsTM (JCRTM) to identify the world’s leading journals across 250+ disciplines.

Understand key citation impact trends to inform your publishing strategy, using a range of indicators, descriptive data and visualizations.

The 2023 release of Journal Citation Reports extends the Journal Impact FactorTM (JIFTM) to all Web of Science Core Collection™ journals, including those indexed in the Arts and Humanities Citation IndexTM (AHCI) and the multidisciplinary Emerging Sources Citation IndexTM (ESCI) for the first time.


Science journals


Social Science journals


Arts & Humanities journals


Gold Open Access journals

you can

We only include journals which have met our rigorous quality standards.

Journal Citation Reports provides unbiased, publisher-neutral information which does not promote or endorse any specific publishers.

Expert curation and selection

Only journals which meet our rigorous selection processes are eligible to be included in the Web of Science.


Criteria of journal quality


A multi-dimensional
view of a journal’s

When you’re evaluating a journal, you need to know more than just one number. View the relationship between article and journal citations with visualizations and linked data alongside descriptive statistics.

Evaluate each journal’s profile with a complete set of journal intelligence metrics.


Journal Impact Factor (JIF)™

We calculate a JIF for all journals that have passed our Web of Science quality criteria.

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Journal Citation Indicator

We calculate a Journal Citation Indicator for journals that have passed our Web of Science quality criteria.

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Average JIF percentile

Eigenfactor score

Cited and citing half-life

Open access papers and citations

Contributions by author, region and affiliation


Maximize the reach and influence of your work and gain an international view of the research landscape.

Journal Citation Reports provide a comprehensive view of the world’s leading journals. Discover valuable insights into the countries and institutions contributing to the performance of each journal.



(2023 Journal Citation Reports)


Titles have received a
Journal Impact Factor for the first time


Countries worldwide


Research categories

Resources & insights

View the full list of journals with a JIF in the Master Journal List

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Web of Science Research Assistant

Information regarding calculations, suppressions, timing, and reloads

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