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For almost half a century publishers, institutions, funders and researchers have trusted the impartial data provided by Journal Citation ReportsTM (JCRTM) to identify the world’s leading journals.

Our journal profiles offer a wide array of leading indicators, descriptive data and compelling visualizations to help you make evidence-informed decisions about where to publish.

What is Journal Citation Reports?

Journal Citation Reports provides you with the transparent, publisher-neutral data and statistics you need to make confident decisions in today’s evolving scholarly publishing landscape.

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Consult rich, multidimensional JCR profiles to:

  1. Locate quality, peer reviewed journals as you decide where to publish your manuscript
  2. Quickly determine which journals are the most impactful in your field
  3. Better understand a journal’s open access publishing model as you consider public access requirements set by your funders

How can JCR profiles help me advance my research?

Rely on trustworthy sources as your research foundation

When you’re deciding where to submit your manuscript, you need to quickly explore many characteristics of a journal. JCR provides unbiased, publisher-neutral information which does not promote or endorse any specific publishers. JCR helps you understand key trends across 21,000+ journals through a rich array of indicators, descriptive data and visualizations. Use this powerful journal intelligence to support your selection of the most appropriate journals for your research and publishing needs.

Be aware of fraudulent scholarly publishing practices

Clarivate is committed to supporting the integrity of the scholarly record and taking proactive steps to counter the increasing threats to it. Examples of these threats can include:

  1. Duplicate or fake websites impersonating legitimate journal websites utilizing the title, ISSN and other information of the reputable journal, sometimes known as hijacked journals.

  2. Paper mills that produce and sell manuscripts containing fabricated or manipulated research and submit these manuscripts for publication on behalf of the authors. They may also manipulate the peer review process by faking the identity of peer reviewers and submitting fabricated peer review reports. Paper mills often target Special Issues managed by Guest Editors outside the journal’s usual peer review and manuscript handling workflows.

If a concern is raised about a journal, Clarivate will engage in a re-evaluation process in accordance with the editorial selection criteria.

How are journals selected for Journal Citation Reports?

Only journals that meet the 24 rigorous selection criteria are selected for inclusion.

For details see the Web of Science Core CollectionTM  editorial selection process.

2023 Changes in Journal Citation Reports

Clarivate is committed to supporting the integrity of the scholarly record and in support of these efforts, we have made several changes starting with the 2023 release.

  1. Extending Journal Impact FactorTM (JIFTM) to all journals in the Web of Science Core Collection

    The expansion of Journal Impact Factors to journals indexed in the Arts and Humanities Citation Index™ (AHCI) and the multidisciplinary Emerging Sources Citation Index™ (ESCI) provides full transparency to every article and citation that has contributed to a journal’s scholarly impact. This change levels the playing field for all quality journals, including open access, niche journals, and regional journals. By expanding the coverage but holding to highly selective standards, the JIF is now a reliable indicator of trustworthiness, as well as measure of scholarly impact, at the journal level.

  2. Journal Impact Factor decimal place reduced to one

    Rather than the previously used three decimal places, the JIF has been reduced to one decimal place to encourage users to consider other indicators and descriptive data in the JCR when comparing journals. By reducing the decimal places from three (X.000) to one (X.0), there is an increase of rank position ties in many categories.

These changes only impact the 2022 metrics, to be released in June 2023, and will not impact earlier JIFs, rank and quartiles.

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