For almost half a century publishers, institutions, funders and researchers have trusted the impartial data provided by Journal Citation ReportsTM (JCRTM) to identify the world’s leading journals.
Uncover key citation impact trends across 250+ disciplines to inform your publishing strategy. Explore a rich array of leading indicators, including the Journal Impact FactorTM (JIFTM), descriptive data and compelling visualizations to quickly understand your journal’s role within – and influence upon – the global research community.
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The 2023 release of Journal Citation Reports extends the Journal Impact Factor to all Web of Science Core CollectionTM journals. This means that almost 9,000 journals, from more than 3,000 publishers – many of which are smaller publishers from the developing world – are included for the first time.
Visit the Master Journal List to see what journals are included
In 2023, over 3,000 publishers received a Journal Impact FactorTM for the first time. Understand what you need to know now that you have a JIF.
When announcing your Journal Impact Factor score, we strongly encourage you to provide additional contextual information so that your audience understands the full scope of the impact and influence of your journals. This Reference Guide will help you interpret the data included in Journal Citation Reports so that you can promote your journals responsibly.
Download our Reference Guide
Please adhere to the Journal Citation Reports 2023 badge usage guidelines which are included with the badge download.
Marketing and communication guidance
Promote your inclusion in Journal Citation Reports 2023. Download your 2023 badge and handy communications guide which provides suggestions for promoting your inclusion, example social media posts, and guidance on the correct use of the Journal Citation ReportsTM trademark, language and assets.
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If your communications team has any inquiries, please contact for assistance.
Clarivate is committed to supporting the integrity of the scholarly record and in support of these efforts, several changes have occurred to the Journal Citation Reports metrics in the 2023 release.
Extending the Journal Impact Factor to all journals in the Web of Science Core CollectionTM
The expansion of Journal Impact Factor to journals indexed in the Arts and Humanities Citation Index™ (AHCI) and the multidisciplinary Emerging Sources Citation Index™ (ESCI) provides full transparency to every article and citation that has contributed to a journal’s scholarly impact. This change levels the playing field for all quality journals, including open access, niche journals, and regional journals. By expanding the coverage but holding to highly selective standards, the JIF is now a reliable indicator of trustworthiness, as well as a measure of scholarly impact, at the journal level.
Journal Impact Factor decimal place reduced to one
Rather than the previously used three decimal places, the JIF has been reduced to one decimal place to encourage users to consider other indicators and descriptive data in the JCR when comparing journals. By reducing the decimal places from three (X.000) to one (X.0), there is an increase of rank position ties in many categories.
These changes only impact the 2022 metrics released in June 2023, and will not impact earlier JIFs, rank and quartiles.
Each journal profiled in the Journal Citation Reports has met the rigorous quality standards documented in the Web of Science Core Collection editorial selection process.
If you have any questions about your journal’s coverage in Clarivate products, please contact
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