KCI - Korean Journal Database 

Insights from research emanating from South Korea

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KCI Korean Journal Database™ on the Web of Science™ provides access to over 1.9 million articles from more than 2,500 multidisciplinary journals covered in KCI Korean Journal Database, which is managed by the National Research Foundation of Korea and contains bibliographic information for scholarly literature published in Korea. ​

​This collaboration with the National Research Foundation of Korea provides access to search and view critically important regional content with international impact. Using citation connections from the Web of Science, regional work is framed within the broader context of global research – providing researchers around the world with new insights into research emanating from South Korea, and a more comprehensive picture of the influencers and drivers of regional research.​

Connecting you to the best Korean publications

  • Over 1.9 million articles
  • Over 2,500 multidisciplinary journals
  • Coverage back to 1980​ ​
  • Search in Korean or English​
  • Has the same feature set as Web of Science source record databases​ ​
  • Simplified discovery process for local information in a regional database​
  • An easy search experience with local language interface​​
  • Mixture of open access and subscription titles​

Why use KCI on Web of Science?

Broader citation connections

Only on Web of Science can you track citation impact for KCI Korean Journal Database’s  indexed articles and easily navigate to all citing articles across the Web of Science platform.

Connect to the Core Collection

Connect Korean Science Citation Index to Web of Science Core Collection™ – the world’s only true citation index – with over 21,000 carefully selected journals and over 1.8 billion citation connections across the sciences, social sciences, arts, and humanities.

‘All Database’ searching

Run an ‘All Database’ search to include Korean Science Citation Index alongside your institution’s full Web of Science subscription to see everything in your subject specialty and beyond.

Access trusted full text

Easily identify, filter and access Open Access articles in KCI Korean Journal Database, and get one-click access to Open Access and subscribed articles with EndNote™ Click.

Visual results analysis

Explore trends and gain unique insights into your search results with Web of Science’s intuitive visual analysis tool.

Subject areas include

  • Engineering​
  • Business Economics​
  • General Internal Medicine​
  • Arts & Humanities​
  • Science Technology​
  • Sports Sciences​
  • History​
  • Public Administration​
  • Contraction Building Technology​
  • And More…​


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