Clarivate – Taiwan Accelerating Innovation Thu, 11 Apr 2024 06:18:47 +0000 zh-hant hourly 1 Clarivate – Taiwan 32 32 名家博士論文 | 莊長恭院士博士論文 Thu, 11 Apr 2024 06:12:29 +0000 (圖片來源於網路) 莊長恭(Chuang, Chang Kong)先生是中國近代著名化學家、教育家,曾任武昌大學、東北大學、中央大學教授、院長;德國葛廷根 (Gottingen) 大學化學系研究員、慕尼黑 (Munchen) 大學化學系研究員,中央研究院化學研究所所長,國立北平研究院藥物研究所代所長;臺灣大學第 3 任校長;中央研究院院士,中國有機化學研究的先驅者和有機微量分析的奠基人。 1924年獲芝加哥大學博士學位,論文題目為《Stereoisomeric Hydrazones》 (腙類立體異構物),這項研究為有機化學中的立體化學和分子重排反應提供了新的見解,並為未來的研究奠定了基礎。該論文收錄在ProQuest全球博碩士論文資料庫(ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global,簡稱PQDT Global)中,以下是該篇論文的相關資訊,讀者可以點擊連結線上閱讀論文全文。   STEREOISOMERIC HYDRAZONES    導師:Julius Stieglitz 學位授予機構:The University of Chicago 論文連結: 學科分類:0485: Chemistry(化學)     ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global 簡介 ProQuest 是美國國會圖書館指定的收藏全美國博碩士論文的機構,ProQuest 全球博碩論文資料庫(ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global,簡稱PQDT Global),收錄了1743年至今全球超過4100餘所高校、科研機構逾550萬篇博碩士論文資訊,內容覆蓋科學、工程學、經濟與管理科學、健康與醫學、歷史學、人文及社會科學等領域。 訪問網址: LibGuides:   欲獲取資料庫詳情,請聯繫我們:業務諮詢 – Clarivate – Taiwan

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莊長恭(Chuang, Chang Kong)先生是中國近代著名化學家、教育家,曾任武昌大學、東北大學、中央大學教授、院長;德國葛廷根 (Gottingen) 大學化學系研究員、慕尼黑 (Munchen) 大學化學系研究員,中央研究院化學研究所所長,國立北平研究院藥物研究所代所長;臺灣大學第 3 任校長;中央研究院院士,中國有機化學研究的先驅者和有機微量分析的奠基人。

1924年獲芝加哥大學博士學位,論文題目為《Stereoisomeric Hydrazones》 (腙類立體異構物),這項研究為有機化學中的立體化學和分子重排反應提供了新的見解,並為未來的研究奠定了基礎。該論文收錄在ProQuest全球博碩士論文資料庫(ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global,簡稱PQDT Global)中,以下是該篇論文的相關資訊,讀者可以點擊連結線上閱讀論文全文。



導師:Julius Stieglitz

學位授予機構:The University of Chicago


學科分類:0485: Chemistry(化學)



ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global 簡介

ProQuest 是美國國會圖書館指定的收藏全美國博碩士論文的機構,ProQuest 全球博碩論文資料庫(ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global,簡稱PQDT Global),收錄了1743年至今全球超過4100餘所高校、科研機構逾550萬篇博碩士論文資訊,內容覆蓋科學、工程學、經濟與管理科學、健康與醫學、歷史學、人文及社會科學等領域。




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名家博士論文 | 嚴東生院士博士論文 Thu, 11 Apr 2024 05:58:07 +0000 (圖片來源於網路)   嚴東生先生是著名的材料科學家,中國無機材料科學技術的奠基人和開拓者之一,中國科學院副院長,中國科學院院士、中國工程院院士。 1949年獲美國伊利諾大學博士學位,論文題目為:《系統的部分相平衡》(Phase-Equilibrium of a Portion of the System TiO2 – Al2O3 – SiO2),該論文收錄在ProQuest全球博碩士論文資料庫(ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global,簡稱PQDT Global) 中,以下是該篇論文的相關資訊,讀者可以打開連結線上閱讀論文全文。   Phase-Equilibrium of a Portion of the System TiO2 – Al2O3 – SiO2 導師:R. K. Hursh 學位授予機構:University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign 論文連結: 學科分類:0485: Chemistry(化學);0494: Physical chemistry(物理化學) 摘要: Most fireclays contain certain amounts of titanium, […]

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1949年獲美國伊利諾大學博士學位,論文題目為:《系統的部分相平衡》(Phase-Equilibrium of a Portion of the System TiO2 – Al2O3 – SiO2),該論文收錄在ProQuest全球博碩士論文資料庫(ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global,簡稱PQDT Global) 中,以下是該篇論文的相關資訊,讀者可以打開連結線上閱讀論文全文。


Phase-Equilibrium of a Portion of the System TiO2 – Al2O3 – SiO2

導師:R. K. Hursh

學位授予機構:University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign


學科分類:0485: Chemistry(化學);0494: Physical chemistry(物理化學)


Most fireclays contain certain amounts of titanium, usually in the form of titanium dioxide. It has been reported in the literature 1 that the amount of titania in some hundred clay samples varies from zero to 4.3 percent, with an average of around 1.5 to 2.0 percent. Recent analyses of five Missouri clays show the titania contents from 1.74 to 2.22 percent. It is therefore a rather general occurrence in clays.




ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global 簡介

ProQuest 是美國國會圖書館指定的收藏全美國博碩士論文的機構,ProQuest 全球博碩論文資料庫(ProQuest Dissertations & Theses Global,簡稱PQDT Global),收錄了1743年至今全球超過4100餘所高校、科研機構逾550萬篇博碩士論文資訊,內容覆蓋科學、工程學、經濟與管理科學、健康與醫學、歷史學、人文及社會科學等領域。




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好書推薦 | 中東研究外文電子書(四) Thu, 11 Apr 2024 05:37:27 +0000 本篇精選10本 Routledge 出版的關於「中東研究」專業外文書籍。讀者可通過 Ebook Central 平臺可查閱、利用這些書籍。     Routledge Handbook on the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict 《羅德里奇以色列-巴勒斯坦衝突手冊》 作者:Joel Peters,David Newman 內容簡介: This book offers a comprehensive and accessible overview of the most contentious and protracted political issue in the Middle East. Bringing together a range of top experts from Israel, Palestine, Europe and North America the Handbook tackles […]

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本篇精選10Routledge 出版的關於中東研究專業外文書籍。讀者可通過 Ebook Central 平臺可查閱、利用這些書籍。



Routledge Handbook on the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict


作者:Joel Peters,David Newman


This book offers a comprehensive and accessible overview of the most contentious and protracted political issue in the Middle East. Bringing together a range of top experts from Israel, Palestine, Europe and North America the Handbook tackles a range of topics.


The War in Darfur : Reclaiming Sudanese History


作者:  Anders Hastrup


This anthropological study of the war in Darfur explores the personal experience of war from the perspective of those refugees who have fled from it and puts forward potential solutions to the conflict. Drawing on ethnographic research carried out in the refugee camps of neighbouring eastern Chad,The War in Darfur: Reclaiming Sudanese History gives a voice to people who to date have had little opportunity to articulate their experiences.


Popular Culture in the Middle East and North Africa : A Postcolonial Outlook


作者:Walid El Hamamsy, Mounira Soliman


This book explores the body and the production process of popular culture in, and on, the Middle East and North Africa, Turkey, and Iran in the first decade of the 21st century, and up to the current historical moment. Essays consider gender, racial, political, and cultural issues in film, cartoons, music, dance, photo-tattoos, graphic novels, fiction, and advertisements. Contributors to the volume span an array of specializations ranging across literary, postcolonial, gender, media, and Middle Eastern studies and contextualize their views within a larger historical and political moment, analyzing the emergence of a popular expression in the Middle East and North Africa region in recent years, and drawing conclusions pertaining to the direction of popular culture within a geopolitical context. The importance of this book lies in presenting a fresh perspective on popular culture, combining media that are not often combined and offering a topical examination of recent popular production, aiming to counter stereotypical representations of Islamophobia and otherness by bringing together the perspectives of scholars from different cultural backgrounds and disciplines. The collection shows that popular culture can effect changes and alter perceptions and stereotypes, constituting an area where people of different ethnicities, genders, and orientations can find common grounds for expression and connection.


Inside the Middle East (Routledge Revivals)


作者:   Dilip Hiro


First published in 1982, Inside the Middle East is a definitive study of the region. It provides a clear, concise description of the complex social, political and economic life of the Middle East. Beginning with an outline of the birth and growth of Islam in the Arabian Peninsula and the history of Israel and the Jews since 1020 B.C., the book is split in to five geographical and thematic parts. This thorough analysis in particular examines the forces at work within the Arab world, the domestic politics and economy of Israel and the state’s relationship with the West and the Soviet Bloc, and the relationship between the Arabs and the West since the Ottoman Empire. Dilip Hiro concludes with an overall analysis of the past in social, economic and political terms and considers the various possibilities for the future of the Middle East. Containing an unprecedented wealth of information and insight, this fascinating work presents a comprehensive understanding of the world’s richest and most volatile region. It remains of great relevance to scholars and students of Middle Eastern politics and history.


The Elusive Peace (Routledge Revivals) : The Middle East in the Twentieth Century


作者:   William R. Polk


The Elusive Peace, first published in 1979, highlights the crucial developments in the Middle East during the twentieth century: the coming of nationalism, the struggle for independence, the effects of the Cold War and the four ‘hot wars’ in the Middle East. The numerous attempts to solve the conflicts, and the ultimate failure of such attempts, are discussed with particular reference to the war in Lebanon, and its relation to larger conflicts. As an American emissary during the Kennedy, Johnston and Nixon years, William Polk is unique in his ability to assess the key personalities and provide thorough analysis, considering Sadat and Begin, and the American policies of Dulles and Kissinger. This is a fascinating and inclusive study which provides essential background to the on-going turmoil in the Middle East.


The NATO Intervention in Libya : Lessons Learned from the Campaign


作者:   Kjell Engelbrekt, Marcus Mohlin等


With contributions from a range of key thinkers and analysts in the field, the book first explains the law and politics of the intervention, starting out with deliberations in NATO and at the UN Security Council, both noticeably influenced by the concept of a Responsibility to Protect (R2P). It then goes on to examine a wide set of military and auxiliary measures that governments and defence forces undertook in order to increasingly tilt the balance against the Gaddafi regime and to bring about an end to the conflict, as well as to the intervention proper, while striving to keep the number of NATO and civilian casualties to a minimum.


The Formation of Kurdishness in Turkey : Political Violence, Fear and Pain


作者: Ramazan Aras


The Formation of Kurdishness in Turkey examines political violence, the politics of fear and the Kurdish experience of pain through an analysis of life stories, personal narratives and testimonies of Kurdish subjects in contemporary Turkey. It traces the physical and psychological impacts of the war between the state security forces and the PKK (Kurdistan Workers’ Party) guerrillas in the last three decades, in Kurdish populated areas in the south-eastern part of Turkey.


American Public Opinion Toward Israel : From Consensus to Divide


作者: Amnon Cavari,Guy Freedman


This book examines trends in American public opinion about Israel in over 75 years, from 1944 to 2019. Analyzing data from hundreds of surveys in jargon-free writing, the authors show that public support for Israel has seen a dramatic shift toward increased division between partisan and select demographic groups, elaborating on the implications that this important change may have for the countries’ special relationship. Scholars and students of American foreign policy, public opinion, Middle East politics and international relations, as well as policy analysts, policymakers, journalists and anyone interested in American policy toward Israel, will want to read this book.


Recasting Iranian Modernity : International Relations and Social Change


作者: Kamran Matin


Critically deploying the idea of uneven and combined development this book provides a novel non-Eurocentric account of Iran’s experience of modernity and revolution. Recasting Iranian Modernity presents the argument that Eurocentrism can be decisively overcome through a social theory that has international relations at its ontological core. This will enable a conception of history in which there is an intrinsic international dimension to social change that prevents historical repetition.


Syria under Assad (RLE Syria) : Domestic Constraints and Regional Risks

《阿薩德統治下的敘利亞(RLE 敘利亞):國內限制和地區風險》

作者:   Moshe Maoz, Avner Yaniv


Based on a carefully selected collection of original articles, this volume focuses on the elements of Syria’s power, on Syria’s relations with each of its neighbours as well as on Syria’s relations with the superpowers. In the final analysis, conclude the editors, Syrian policies appear paradoxical. Its conduct ever since the advent of Hafez al-Assad exhibits subtle and hard-nosed pragmatism. Yet, in order to consolidate the domestic legitimacy of the Alawi Ba’athist regime, Syria has been impelled to articulate its foreign policy goals in the far-flung rhetoric of the Ba’athist ideology. As a result Syria is widely perceived of as a menace and, treated as such, it often responds in kind.


Ebook Central 平臺

ProQuest Ebook Central 平臺(簡稱EBC),是一個綜合類的外文電子書平臺,共收錄全球2400多家著名大學出版社、專業出版商、學術出版機構出版的近200萬種電子書,以近年來新出版的圖書為主,並會定期更新電子書資源。EBC 主要內容覆蓋電腦科學、經濟、商業、文學、語言、歷史、藝術、哲學與教育學等全學科領域。涉及50多種語言,覆蓋英語、德語、法語、西班牙語、葡萄牙語、阿拉伯語等。


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好書推薦 | 中東研究外文電子書(三) Thu, 11 Apr 2024 05:27:58 +0000 本篇精選10本 Routledge 出版的關於「中東研究」專業外文書籍。讀者可通過 Ebook Central 平臺可查閱、利用這些書籍。     The Persian Gulf (RLE Iran A) 《波斯灣 (RLE 伊朗 A)》 作者: Arnold Wilson 內容簡介: This volume records the history of the Persian Gulf from the very earliest records until the 1920s. It records the rise and fall of ancient Empires and discusses the rule of Turks and […]

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本篇精選10Routledge 出版的關於中東研究專業外文書籍。讀者可通過 Ebook Central 平臺可查閱、利用這些書籍。



The Persian Gulf (RLE Iran A)

《波斯灣 (RLE 伊朗 A)》

作者: Arnold Wilson


This volume records the history of the Persian Gulf from the very earliest records until the 1920s. It records the rise and fall of ancient Empires and discusses the rule of Turks and Arabs. It chronicles the Western maritime nations – the Portuguese, Dutch, French and British – outstrip one another in trade and influence.


The Iran-Iraq War (RLE Iran A)

《兩伊戰爭(RLE 伊朗 A)》

作者: M. S. EL-Azhary


The Iran-Iraq war broke out in September 1980. It brought death and suffering to hundreds of thousands of people on both sides and devastated the economies of both countries. It also increased international tensions by precipitating new alliances and rearrangement of forces in the already turbulent Middle East. The focus of this book is on the historical, economic and political dimensions of the war between Iraq and Iran. It examines many aspects of what proved to be a very complex conflict; including its long history, its present economic and political setting, the different responses to the war by outside parties and its regional and world implications.


EU Foreign Policymaking and the Middle East Conflict : The Europeanization of National Foreign Policy


作者: Patrick Müller


Using the Europeanization concept as framework of analysis, the book examines the problematic dynamics between these Member States’ national foreign-policy models and the construction of a common European conflict-resolution policy. It also provides interesting new insights into the EU’s international role and potential, addressing the often neglected question of how Europeanization effects help to mitigate some of the classical limitations of European foreign policymaking.


The un and the Arab-Israeli Conflict : American Hegemony and un Intervention Since 1947

《聯合國與阿以衝突: 1947 年以來的美國霸權與聯合國干預》

作者:Danilo Di Mauro


This book provides a comprehensive empirical analysis of the United Nations intervention in the Arab-Israeli conflict since 1947. In his structured and exhaustive analysis, the author presents a long term perspective on the UN intervention in the conflict and explains its evolution during the last sixty years. He draws on a wealth of quantitative data to provide a complete picture of resolutions addressed to the Arab-Israeli conflict by the General Assembly and the Security Council, the mediation activity, and the UN peace missions in the area.


Ending Empire in the Middle East : Britain, the United States and Post-War Decolonization, 1945-1973


作者:  Simon C. Smith


This book is a major and wide-ranging re-assessment of Anglo-American relations in the Middle Eastern context. It analyses the process of ending of empire in the Middle East from 1945 to the Yom Kippur War of 1973. Based on original research into both British and American archival sources, it covers all the key events of the period, including the withdrawal from Palestine, the Anglo-American coup against the Musaddiq regime in Iran, the Suez Crisis and its aftermath, the Iraqi and Yemeni revolutions, and the Arab-Israeli conflicts. It demonstrates that, far from experiencing a ‘loss of nerve’ or tamely acquiescing in a transfer of power to the United States, British decision-makers robustly defended their regional interests well into the 1960s and even beyond. It also argues that concept of the ‘special relationship’ impeded the smooth-running of Anglo-American relations in the region by obscuring differences, stymieing clear communication, and practising self-deception on policy-makers on both sides of the Atlantic who assumed a contiguity which all too often failed to exist. With the Middle East at the top of the contemporary international policy agenda, and recent Anglo-American interventions fuelling interest in empire, this is a timely book of importance to all those interested in the contemporary development of the region.


Lebanon : The Politics of a Penetrated Society


作者:Tom Najem


In a time of great political change and unrest in the Middle East, this highly topical text offers a succinct account of the contemporary political environment in Lebanon. Tom Najem provides both a developed understanding of the pre-civil war system and an analysis of how circumstances resulting from the civil war combined with essential pre-war elements to define politics in Lebanon.


The Contemporary Middle East : A Westview Reader


作者:Karl Yambert


The Contemporary Middle East provides an accessible introduction to the region’s most pressing concerns and enduring conflicts. It includes provocative contributions by an impressive array of leading scholars, journalists, and policy advisors. Contributors include notable academic authors Arthur Goldschmidt Jr., the late William L. Cleveland, Shibley Telhami, David W. Lesch, Bernard Reich, and Phebe Marr, complemented by selections from recent general-interest books by Marwan Bishara, Mark Perry, and Eugene Rogan, among others. With twelve new chapters, the third edition is a probing examination of the current affairs of the Middle East. Its multiple readings on strategic pairings of topics (Israel and the Palestinians, Iraq and Iran, Egypt and Syria) illuminate the region’s key issues from a variety of perspectives. Part- and chapter-opening summaries help establish background and context, and a new concluding chapter by Shibley Telhami, written specifically for this volume, candidly addresses fundamental questions about the United States and the Middle East today. Student resources include an annotated table of contents, a select bibliography, a glossary, brief biographies of notable persons, a chronology, and a summary of recent events, in addition to numerous maps.


The Transformation of Egypt (RLE Egypt)

《埃及的轉型(RLE Egypt)》

作者:Mark N. Cooper


Focusing on the upheavals in the Egyptian political and economic structure over the last twenty years, the book explains the change in Egypt’s international orientation through a careful examination of domestic factors. The switch from Nasser’s state socialist-political economy to Sadat’s more laissez-faire approach and the institutional and structural links between the two are analysed as the key to understanding the dynamic developments within Egypt.


Egypt since the Revolution (RLE Egypt)

《革命以來的埃及(RLE Egypt)》

作者:P.J. Vatikiotis


As the leaders of a revolutionary, nationalist regime, the Egyptian Free Officers who came to power following the 1952 Revolution committed themselves to the attainment of goals associated with modernization, namely rapid economic development based on State planning and industrialization and the political mobilization of society along State-decreed lines. Arising from a conference held at the Centre of Middle Eastern Studies at SOAS, with contributions from scholars from the Arab world, Europe and the US as well as the UK, these papers raise the questions most important to students of economic and political development.


Egypt from Nasser to Mubarak (RLE Egypt) : A Flawed Revolution

《埃及從納賽爾到穆巴拉克(RLE Egypt):一場有缺陷的革命》

作者:Anthony McDermott


In this book, the journalist Anthony McDermott examines the development of Egypt from Revolution to the present, describing various features of Egyptian society and the contributions of its leaders. He asks whether Egypt has fulfilled its expected role as the model for Arab and developing countries or whether the peace pact made by Sadat with Israel was a major error, causing Egypt’s withdrawal under Mubarak from the centre of international politics.


Ebook Central 平臺

ProQuest Ebook Central 平臺(簡稱EBC),是一個綜合類的外文電子書平臺,共收錄全球2400多家著名大學出版社、專業出版商、學術出版機構出版的近200萬種電子書,以近年來新出版的圖書為主,並會定期更新電子書資源。EBC 主要內容覆蓋電腦科學、經濟、商業、文學、語言、歷史、藝術、哲學與教育學等全學科領域。涉及50多種語言,覆蓋英語、德語、法語、西班牙語、葡萄牙語、阿拉伯語等。


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好書推薦 | 中東研究外文電子書(二) Thu, 11 Apr 2024 05:16:17 +0000 本篇精選10本 Routledge 出版的關於「中東研究」專業外文書籍。讀者可通過 Ebook Central 平臺可查閱、利用這些書籍。   The Changing Landscape of Israeli Archaeology : Between Hegemony and Marginalization 《以色列考古學的變化景觀:在霸權與邊緣化之間》 作者:  Hayah Katz 內容簡介: Adopting a Foucauldian framework of power and knowledge, the author begins by focusing on archaeological knowledge as a hegemonic discipline, buttressing the national Zionist identity after the establishment of the State of Israel. […]

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本篇精選10Routledge 出版的關於中東研究專業外文書籍。讀者可通過 Ebook Central 平臺可查閱、利用這些書籍。


The Changing Landscape of Israeli Archaeology : Between Hegemony and Marginalization


作者:  Hayah Katz


Adopting a Foucauldian framework of power and knowledge, the author begins by focusing on archaeological knowledge as a hegemonic discipline, buttressing the national Zionist identity after the establishment of the State of Israel. The liberalization of political culture in the late 1970s, it is argued, opened the door for a more democratized archaeological discipline. Making use of in-depth interviews with archaeologists belonging to various groups in Israeli society as well as documents from the Israel State Archives (ISA), the book touches on multiple fields of research, including Near Eastern archaeology, religious Jewish society, Israel/Palestine relations, and the status of women in Israel. Moreover, although the book deals with the sociology of Israeli archaeology specifically, the author’s comparative approach—which highlights the mirroring of social processes and the archaeological discipline—can also be applied to other societies.


The Arabs in Antiquity : Their History from the Assyrians to the Umayyads


作者: Jan Retso


The history of the Arabs in antiquity from their earliest appearance around 853 BC until the first century of Islam, is described in this book. It traces the mention of people called Arabs in all relevant ancient sources and suggests a new interpretation of their history. It is suggested that the ancient Arabs were more a religious community than an ethnic group, which would explain why the designation ‘Arab’ could be easily adopted by the early Muslim tribes. The Arabs of antiquity thus resemble the early Islamic Arabs more than is usually assumed, both being united by common bonds of religious ideology and law.


Middle East Contemporary Survey, Volume Xvi 1992

《中東當代調查,第 Xvi 卷 1992 年》

作者:Ami Ayalon


A number of contributors explore contemporary Middle East countries and look at how and if, they have moved forward. It looks at the rise of religious extremists and the Arab-Israeli peace process, stimulated by the change of government in Israel.


Syria’s Kurds : History, Politics and Society


作者: Jordi Tejel


Using unpublished material, in particular concerning the Mandatory period (French records and Kurdish newspapers) and social movement theory, Tejel analyses the reasons of this “exception” within the Kurdish political sphere. In spite of the exclusion of Kurdishness from the public sphere, especially since 1963, Kurds of Syria have avoided a direct confrontation with the central power, most Kurds opting for a strategy of “dissimulation”, cultivating internally the forms of identity that challenge the official ideology. The book explores the dynamics leading to the consolidation of Kurdish minority awareness in contemporary Syria; an ongoing process that could take the form of radicalization or even violence.


Social and Foreign Affairs in Iraq (Routledge Revivals)


作者: Saddam Hussein


First published in 1979, prior to the Iran-Iraq war, this important collection of speeches explains some of the strategic foundations of Iraq’s foreign and internal policies under the Ba’th Arab Socialist Party. This work concerns itself with aspects varying from advice on youth – ‘Let us win the young to safeguard the future’ –,to speeches on Iraq’s diplomatic relations. This fundamental work, concerning a historical and contemporary range of social and foreign affairs in Iraq, will be of considerable value to both political and diplomatic departments, and universities and research organisations involved with the Middle East. It is also of major significance to anyone with an interest in the rise to power of one of the twentieth century’s most infamous dictators.


Constituting the Political Economy of the Kurds : Social Embeddedness, Hegemony, and Identity


作者:  Omer Tekdemir


This book examines the development of Kurdish political economy and the emergence of collective Kurdish identity within a historical context through three main periods: the late-Ottoman Empire, the initial Republican Turkey era, and then the post-1990s period. It relates historical developments to the dynamics of Kurdish society, including the anthropological realities of the nineteenth century through the moral economy frame, the evolving nature of nationalism in the early twentieth century and the more recent construction of a modern political Kurdishness by means of radical democracy, and an agonistic pluralism shaped by left-wing populism.


Interpreting the Middle East : Essential Themes


作者: David Sorenson


Contemporary approaches to comparative studies of the Middle East increasingly recognize how globalization and regional mass communication have blurred differences across countries. Populations travel across national borders and compare narratives about political change, economic futures, and the role of the outside world in shaping their lives. Organized by five principal themes of a regional overview, politics, economic development, social context, and international issues, Interpreting the Middle East provides a vibrant introduction to the Middle East that is compatible with this regionalist perspective. Invited authorities contribute insightful and accessible original discussions of central headline-fresh issues such as the aftermath of the Iraq war, Iran’s regional ambitions, developments in the Israeli’Palestinian conflict, and the global politics of Middle East oil, gender, and religion. Section introductions by the editor integrate the contributions, and suggested readings, a glossary, and a biographical list of key persons provide helpful guidance for readers.


Crusades : Volume 21

《十字軍東征:第 21 卷》

作者: Jonathan Phillips, Iris Shagrir等


Crusades covers the seven hundred years from the First Crusade (1095-1102) to the fall of Malta (1798) and draws together scholars working on theatres of war, their home fronts and settlements from the Baltic to Africa and from Spain to the Near East and on theology, law, literature, art, numismatics and economic, social, political and military history.


Untold Histories of the Middle East : Recovering Voices from the 19th and 20th Centuries


作者:Amy Singer, Christoph Neumann等


Much traditional historiography consciously and unconsciously glosses over certain discourses, narratives, and practices. This book examines silences or omissions in Middle Eastern history at the turn of the twenty-first century, to give a fuller account of the society, culture and politics.


A History of Turkey : From Empire to Republic


作者:  M. Philips Price


First Published in 1956 A History of Turkey presents a comprehensive overview of Turkey’s journey from empire to republic. The book attempts to give a picture of the growth of the Turkish people, the institutions they have created and the ideas that have inspired them through the centuries. It discusses themes like how Islamic civilization came to the Middle East; the rise and decline of the Ottoman Empire; the National Revolution and birth of new Turkey; Mustafa Kemal and national consolidation; labour conditions, social security, and religion in new Turkey. A humble contribution to Anglo-Turkish understanding, this book is an interesting read for scholars and researchers of Turkish history, modern European history, Middle East studies, and history in general.


Ebook Central 平臺

ProQuest Ebook Central 平臺(簡稱EBC),是一個綜合類的外文電子書平臺,共收錄全球2400多家著名大學出版社、專業出版商、學術出版機構出版的近200萬種電子書,以近年來新出版的圖書為主,並會定期更新電子書資源。EBC 主要內容覆蓋電腦科學、經濟、商業、文學、語言、歷史、藝術、哲學與教育學等全學科領域。涉及50多種語言,覆蓋英語、德語、法語、西班牙語、葡萄牙語、阿拉伯語等。


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好書推薦 | 中東研究外文電子書(一) Thu, 11 Apr 2024 05:09:53 +0000 本篇精選10本 Routledge 出版的關於「中東研究」專業外文書籍。讀者可通過 Ebook Central 平臺可查閱、利用這些書籍。     Baghdad During the Abbasid Caliphate : From Contemporary Arabic and Persian Sources 《阿拔斯王朝時期的巴格達 : 來自當代阿拉伯語和波斯語的資料》 作者: G. Le Strange 內容簡介: The history of Baghdad as a metropolis coincides with the history of the rise and fall of the Abbasid Caliphs. In this volume, first published in 1900 and written […]

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本篇精選10Routledge 出版的關於中東研究專業外文書籍。讀者可通過 Ebook Central 平臺可查閱、利用這些書籍。



Baghdad During the Abbasid Caliphate : From Contemporary Arabic and Persian Sources

《阿拔斯王朝時期的巴格達 : 來自當代阿拉伯語和波斯語的資料》

作者: G. Le Strange


The history of Baghdad as a metropolis coincides with the history of the rise and fall of the Abbasid Caliphs. In this volume, first published in 1900 and written by a recognized authority in the field, the history of the city and of the Abbasid dynasty are closely interwoven so that, from a scholarly blending of contemporary records and discursive narrative, an accurate picture emerges of the state and society within the capital of the Muslim world during the period from the eighth to the thirteenth centuries.


The Middle East in Transition : Studies in Contemporary History


作者:Walter Z. Laqueur


This collection of essays, first published in 1958, presents analyses by some 34 specialists on key political and social trends in the Middle East. They take the reader through the history of the Middle East to help reveal the background behind the changes that took place in the middle of the twentieth century – a time of fundamental political, economic and social change in the region.



Conflict in the Middle East


作者: P.J. Vatikiotis


The Middle East is a continuing crisis area in world politics. This crisp and penetrating book, first published in 1971, analyses the historical development of the major issues in Arab politics, explains the conflicting interests now at stake in the Middle East and how the politics of the area were likely to develop. It examines, among other topics, the Palestine Liberation Movement, the prospects for Arab unity, and Great Power interference, and was written by one of the world’s leading scholars writing on the Middle East.


A History of the Arab State of Zanzibar


作者:Norman R. Bennett


During the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries the fertile islands of Zanzibar and Pemba became of central importance to East Africa’s growing contact with the international economy as the ruling dynasty encouraged trade in cloves, slaves and ivory. This book, first published in 1978, provides an account of the history of Zanzibar from those early days of trade up to independence and the Revolution that removed the Arab ruling class in 1964.


National and International Politics in the Middle East : Essays in Honour of Elie Kedourie


作者:Edward Ingram


First published in 2004. Professor Kedourie is known for his unforgettable essays, for the pattern of interpretation and view of the world which hold his readers spellbound, even when they strongly disagree with his opinions, and for Middle Eastern Studies, which recently reached its majority and which he and Frank Cass together have turned into the foremost scholarly journal in its field. These essays are presented to him by a group of his admirers overseas.


Conflict Management in the Middle East


作者: Steven L Spiegel


This book explores efforts being made to create Russian-American cooperation in managing recurrent conflict in the Middle East. Theoretical, historical, and policy sections provide the framework for chapters that represent the most current, multinational thinking on issues of war prevention, crisis avoidance, and conflict resolution.


The near East : Archaeology in the ‘Cradle of Civilization’


作者: Charles Keith Maisels


The transition from foraging, farming and the neolithic village to the city-state is a complex and fascinating period. Studies on the prehistory of the Near East by nineteenth and twentieth century pioneers in the field transformed archaeology through the creation of the ‘Ages System’ of Stone, Bronze and Iron. The Near East provides a developmental account of this period contextualised by discussion of the emergence of archaeology as a discipline.
The Near East details the causes and effects – enviromental, organizational, demographic and technological – of the world’s first village farming cultures some eight thousand years ago. Charles Maisels explains how cities such as Uruk and Ur, Nippur and Kish formed as a result of geological factors and the role of key organizational features of Sumerian society in introducing the world’s first script, system of calculation and literature.


Bahrain, Oman, Qatar, and the Uae : Challenges of Security 


作者:Anthony H Cordesman


This volume examines the changing economic and internal security challenges faced by the Gulf countries and the problems they face with Iran, Iraq, and other Gulf states. The special military and security needs of Bahrain, Oman, Qatar, and the United Arab Emirates are analyzed here in detail, as are their growing demographic problems and export plans.


 Iraq : Sanctions and Beyond


作者:Anthony H Cordesman, Ahmed S. Hashim


This volume provides analysis of the state of Iraqs security and of current Western policy toward the country in the wake of the Gulf War. It also examines the political, economic, and security impact of sanctions, Iraqs future role as an oil exporter, the U.S. policy of dual containment in relation to Iraq, and options for dealing with Iraq in the future.


A Political Chronology of the Middle East


作者: Europa Publications


This new six-volume series from Europa provides an impartial record of the political, social, cultural, geographical, and economic events that have helped to shape world history. Each of the regional titles records the major events that have shaped each country and region, with greater emphasis given to more recent affairs. Each volume charts each country’s progress, offers a quick perspective into what was once current news, such as elections, wars, disputes, invasions, deaths and assassinations, coronations, diplomatic activities, economic crises, and more.



Ebook Central 平臺

ProQuest Ebook Central 平臺(簡稱EBC),是一個綜合類的外文電子書平臺,共收錄全球2400多家著名大學出版社、專業出版商、學術出版機構出版的近200萬種電子書,以近年來新出版的圖書為主,並會定期更新電子書資源。EBC 主要內容覆蓋電腦科學、經濟、商業、文學、語言、歷史、藝術、哲學與教育學等全學科領域。涉及50多種語言,覆蓋英語、德語、法語、西班牙語、葡萄牙語、阿拉伯語等。


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好書推薦 | 奧本海默特輯 Thu, 11 Apr 2024 04:58:18 +0000         最近,第96屆奧斯卡金像獎舉行頒獎典禮,《奧本海默》(Oppenheimer)獲得了奧斯卡金像獎最佳影片。 本篇精選10本關於「奧本海默」外文書籍,幫助讀者深入瞭解奧本海默這位頂尖的科學家和他的重要貢獻。讀者可通過 Ebook Central 平臺可查閱、利用這些書籍。   American Prometheus : The Triumph and Tragedy of J. Robert Oppenheimer 《美國普羅米修斯:J·羅伯特·奧本海默的勝利與悲劇》 作者: Kai Bird,Martin J. Sherwin 內容簡介: In this magisterial, acclaimed biography twenty-five years in the making, Kai Bird and Martin Sherwin capture Oppenheimer’s life and times, from his early career to his central role […]

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本篇精選10關於奧本海默外文書籍,幫助讀者深入瞭解奧本海默這位頂尖的科學家和他的重要貢獻。讀者可通過 Ebook Central 平臺可查閱、利用這些書籍。


American Prometheus : The Triumph and Tragedy of J. Robert Oppenheimer


作者: Kai Bird,Martin J. Sherwin


In this magisterial, acclaimed biography twenty-five years in the making, Kai Bird and Martin Sherwin capture Oppenheimer’s life and times, from his early career to his central role in the Cold War. This is biography and history at its finest, riveting and deeply informative.


Robert Oppenheimer: A Life Inside the Center《深入核心:奧本海默傳》

作者:Ray Monk,Michael Goldstrom等


Robert Oppenheimer was among the most brilliant and divisive of men. As head of the Los Alamos Laboratory, he oversaw the successful effort to beat the Nazis in the race to develop the first atomic bomb – a breakthrough that was to have eternal ramifications for mankind and that made Oppenheimer the “Father of the Atomic Bomb.” But with his actions leading up to that great achievement, he also set himself on a dangerous collision course with Senator Joseph McCarthy and his witch-hunters. In Robert Oppenheimer: A Life Inside the Center, Ray Monk, author of peerless biographies of Ludwig Wittgenstein and Bertrand Russell, goes deeper than any previous biographer in the quest to solve the enigma of Oppenheimer’s motivations and his complex personality.


The Making of the Atomic Bomb《原子彈秘史》

作者: Richard Rhodes


This sweeping account begins in the 19th century, with the discovery of nuclear fission, and continues to World War Two and the Americans’ race to beat Hitler’s Nazis. That competition launched the Manhattan Project and the nearly overnight construction of a vast military-industrial complex that culminated in the fateful dropping of the first bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
Reading like a character-driven suspense novel, the book introduces the players in this saga of physics, politics, and human psychology—from FDR and Einstein to the visionary scientists who pioneered quantum theory and the application of thermonuclear fission, including Planck, Szilard, Bohr, Oppenheimer, Fermi, Teller, Meitner, von Neumann, and Lawrence.


Dark Sun: The Making of Hydrogen Bomb《黑暗的太陽:氫彈的製造》

作者: Richard Rhodes


Based on secret files in the United States and the former Soviet Union, this monumental work of history discloses how and why the United States decided to create the bomb that would dominate world politics for more than forty years.


Robert Oppenheimer: A life《奧本海默的一生》

作者:Abraham Pais


The late Abraham Pais, author of the award winning biography of Albert Einstein, Subtle is the Lord, here offers an illuminating portrait of another of his eminent colleagues, J. Robert Oppenheimer, one of the most charismatic and enigmatic figures of modern physics.

Pais introduces us to a precocious youth who sped through Harvard in three years, made signal contributions to quantum mechanics while in his twenties, and was instrumental in the growth of American physics in the decade before the Second World War, almost single-handedly bringing it to a state of prominence. He paints a revealing portrait of Oppenheimer’s life in Los Alamos, where in twenty remarkable, feverish months, and under his inspired guidance, the first atomic bomb was designed and built, a success that made Oppenheimer America’s most famous scientist.


Now it can be told《現在可以說了:曼哈頓計畫的故事》

作者:  General Leslie R. Groves


General Leslie Groves and J. Robert Oppenheimer were the two men chiefly responsible for the building of the first atomic bomb at Los Alamos, code name “The Manhattan Project.” As the ranking military officer in charge of marshalling men and material for what was to be the most ambitious, expensive engineering feat in history, it was General Groves who hired Oppenheimer (with knowledge of his left-wing past), planned facilities that would extract the necessary enriched uranium, and saw to it that nothing interfered with the accelerated research and swift assembly of the weapon.This is his story of the political, logistical, and personal problems of this enormous undertaking which involved foreign governments, sensitive issues of press censorship, the construction of huge plants at Hanford and Oak Ridge, and a race to build the bomb before the Nazis got wind of it. The role of groves in the Manhattan Project has always been controversial. In his new introduction the noted physicist Edward Teller, who was there at Los Alamos, candidly assesses the general’s contributions-and Oppenheimer’s-while reflecting on the awesome legacy of their work.


The Manhattan Project《曼哈頓計畫》

作者:  Ryan Gale


The US Army hired more than 125,000 people to help develop the atomic bombs. They worked and lived in remote areas, and they couldn’t tell anyone about their work. This secretive program was known as the Manhattan Project. The Manhattan Project explores the workers’ experiences and the development of the atomic bombs. Easy-to-read text, vivid images, and helpful back matter give readers a clear look at this subject. Features include a table of contents, infographics, a glossary, additional resources, and an index. Aligned to Common Core Standards and correlated to state standards.


Oppenheimer And The Manhattan Project: Insights Into J Robert Oppenheimer, “Father Of The Atomic Bomb”


作者:Cynthia C Kelly


2004 marked the centennial of the birth of J Robert Oppenheimer, and brought historians and scholars, former students, nuclear physicists, and politicians together to celebrate this event. Oppenheimer’s life and work became central to 20th century history as he spearheaded the development of the atomic bomb that ended World War II. This book provides a spectrum of interpretations of Oppenheimer’s life and scientific achievements. It approaches the extraordinary scientist and teacher from many perspectives, chronicling the years from his boyhood through his role as director of the Los Alamos National Laboratory and afterwards. The book also discusses Oppenheimer’s connection to New Mexico, which hosted two of the Manhattan Project’s most crucial sites, and addresses his lasting impact on contemporary science, international politics, and the postwar age.


 Oppenheimer : The Tragic Intellect《奧本海默:悲劇性的智慧》

作者: Charles Thorpe


At a time when the Manhattan Project was synonymous with large-scale science, physicist J. Robert Oppenheimer (1904–67) represented the new sociocultural power of the American intellectual. Catapulted to fame as director of the Los Alamos atomic weapons laboratory, Oppenheimer occupied a key position in the compact between science and the state that developed out of World War II. By tracing the making—and unmaking—of Oppenheimer’s wartime and postwar scientific identity, Charles Thorpe illustrates the struggles over the role of the scientist in relation to nuclear weapons, the state, and culture.


In the Shadow of the Bomb : Oppenheimer, Bethe, and the Moral Responsibility of the Scientist


作者:  S. S. Schweber


In 1945, the United States dropped the bomb, and physicists were forced to contemplate disquieting questions about their roles and responsibilities. When the Cold War followed, they were confronted with political demands for their loyalty and McCarthyism’s threats to academic freedom. By examining how J. Robert Oppenheimer and Hans A. Bethe—two men with similar backgrounds but divergent aspirations and characters—struggled with these moral dilemmas, one of our foremost historians of physics tells the story of modern physics, the development of atomic weapons, and the Cold War.




Ebook Central 平臺

ProQuest Ebook Central 平臺(簡稱EBC),是一個綜合類的外文電子書平臺,共收錄全球2400多家著名大學出版社、專業出版商、學術出版機構出版的近200萬種電子書,以近年來新出版的圖書為主,並會定期更新電子書資源。EBC 主要內容覆蓋電腦科學、經濟、商業、文學、語言、歷史、藝術、哲學與教育學等全學科領域。涉及50多種語言,覆蓋英語、德語、法語、西班牙語、葡萄牙語、阿拉伯語等。


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好書推薦 | 美國數學學會外文電子書(二) Thu, 11 Apr 2024 04:47:31 +0000 值此2024年3月14日第六屆國際數學日來臨之際,我們精選12本美國數學學會出版的經典外文數學著作。這些經典之作將引領您深入數學的豐富世界,探索其深奧的奧秘,體驗數學之美。讀者現可通過 Ebook Central 平臺探索這些珍貴的學術資源,讓我們共同在知識的海洋中遨遊,慶祝數學的無限魅力。   Lectures on Quasiconformal Mappings 《擬共形映射講義》 作者: Lars V. Ahlfors 內容簡介: Lars Ahlfors’s Lectures on Quasiconformal Mappings, based on a course he gave at Harvard University in the spring term of 1964, was first published in 1966 and was soon recognized as the classic it was shortly destined to become. These lectures […]

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值此2024年3月14日第六屆國際數學日來臨之際,我們精選12美國數學學會出版的經典外文數學著作。這些經典之作將引領您深入數學的豐富世界,探索其深奧的奧秘,體驗數學之美。讀者現可通過 Ebook Central 平臺探索這些珍貴的學術資源,讓我們共同在知識的海洋中遨遊,慶祝數學的無限魅力。


Lectures on Quasiconformal Mappings


作者: Lars V. Ahlfors


Lars Ahlfors’s Lectures on Quasiconformal Mappings, based on a course he gave at Harvard University in the spring term of 1964, was first published in 1966 and was soon recognized as the classic it was shortly destined to become. These lectures develop the theory of quasiconformal mappings from scratch, give a self-contained treatment of the Beltrami equation, and cover the basic properties of Teichmüller spaces, including the Bers embedding and the Teichmüller curve. It is remarkable how Ahlfors goes straight to the heart of the matter, presenting major results with a minimum set of prerequisites. Many graduate students and other mathematicians have learned the foundations of the theories of quasiconformal mappings and Teichmüller spaces from these lecture notes.


A Course in Metric Geometry


作者:Dmitri Burago,Yuri Burago等


Metric geometry is an approach to geometry based on the notion of length on a topological space. This approach experienced a very fast development in the last few decades and penetrated into many other mathematical disciplines, such as group theory, dynamical systems, and partial differential equations.

The objective of this graduate textbook is twofold: to give a detailed exposition of basic notions and techniques used in the theory of length spaces, and, more generally, to offer an elementary introduction into a broad variety of geometrical topics related to the notion of distance, including Riemannian and Carnot-Carathéodory metrics, the hyperbolic plane, distance-volume inequalities, asymptotic geometry (large scale, coarse), Gromov hyperbolic spaces, convergence of metric spaces, and Alexandrov spaces (non-positively and non-negatively curved spaces). The authors tend to work with “easy-to-touch” mathematical objects using “easy-to-visualize” methods.



A Course in Minimal Surfaces


作者: Tobias Holck Colding,William P. Minicozzi lI


Minimal surfaces date back to Euler and Lagrange and the beginning of the calculus of variations. Many of the techniques developed have played key roles in geometry and partial differential equations. Examples include monotonicity and tangent cone analysis originating in the regularity theory for minimal surfaces, estimates for nonlinear equations based on the maximum principle arising in Bernstein’s classical work, and even Lebesgue’s definition of the integral that he developed in his thesis on the Plateau problem for minimal surfaces.

This book starts with the classical theory of minimal surfaces and ends up with current research topics. Of the various ways of approaching minimal surfaces (from complex analysis, PDE, or geometric measure theory), the authors have chosen to focus on the PDE aspects of the theory. The book also contains some of the applications of minimal surfaces to other fields including low dimensional topology, general relativity, and materials science.


Fourier Analysis


作者: Javier Duoandikoetxea


Fourier analysis encompasses a variety of perspectives and techniques. This volume presents the real variable methods of Fourier analysis introduced by Calderón and Zygmund. The text was born from a graduate course taught at the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid and incorporates lecture notes from a course taught by José Luis Rubio de Francia at the same university.

Motivated by the study of Fourier series and integrals, classical topics are introduced, such as the Hardy-Littlewood maximal function and the Hilbert transform. The remaining portions of the text are devoted to the study of singular integral operators and multipliers. Both classical aspects of the theory and more recent developments, such as weighted inequalities, BMO spaces, and the T1 theorem, are discussed.


An Introduction to Complex Analysis and Geometry


作者:John P. D’Angelo


An Introduction to Complex Analysis and Geometry provides the reader with a deep appreciation of complex analysis and how this subject fits into mathematics. The book developed from courses given in the Campus Honors Program at the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. These courses aimed to share with students the way many mathematics and physics problems magically simplify when viewed from the perspective of complex analysis. The book begins at an elementary level but also contains advanced material.


Partial Differential Equations


作者: Lawrence C. Evans


This is the second edition of the now definitive text on partial differential equations (PDE). It offers a comprehensive survey of modern techniques in the theoretical study of PDE with particular emphasis on nonlinear equations. Its wide scope and clear exposition make it a great text for a graduate course in PDE.


Function Theory of One Complex Variable


作者:  Robert E. Greene,StevenG. Krantz


Complex analysis is one of the most central subjects in mathematics. It is compelling and rich in its own right, but it is also remarkably useful in a wide variety of other mathematical subjects, both pure and applied. This book is different from others in that it treats complex variables as a direct development from multivariable real calculus. As each new idea is introduced, it is related to the corresponding idea from real analysis and calculus. The text is rich with examples and exercises that illustrate this point.

The authors have systematically separated the analysis from the topology, as can be seen in their proof of the Cauchy theorem. The book concludes with several chapters on special topics, including full treatments of special functions, the prime number theorem, and the Bergman kernel. The authors also treat Hp spaces and Painlevé’s theorem on smoothness to the boundary for conformal maps.


 Cartan for Beginners: Differential Geometry via Moving Frames and Exterior Differential Systems


作者:Thomas A. lvey,J.M. Landsberg


This book is an introduction to Cartan’s approach to differential geometry. Two central methods in Cartan’s geometry are the theory of exterior differential systems and the method of moving frames. This book presents thorough and modern treatments of both subjects, including their applications to both classic and contemporary problems.

It begins with the classical geometry of surfaces and basic Riemannian geometry in the language of moving frames, along with an elementary introduction to exterior differential systems. Key concepts are developed incrementally with motivating examples leading to definitions, theorems, and proofs.


Representations of Algebraic Groups


作者: Jens Carsten Jantzen


Back in print from the AMS, the first part of this book is an introduction to the general theory of representations of algebraic group schemes. Here, Janzten describes important basic notions: induction functors, cohomology, quotients, Frobenius kernels, and reduction mod p, among others. The second part of the book is devoted to the representation theory of reductive algebraic groups and includes topics such as the description of simple modules, vanishing theorems, the Borel-Bott-Weil theorem and Weyl’s character formula, and Schubert schemes and line bundles on them.


 Lectures on the Orbit Method《軌道法講義》

作者:  A. A. Kirillov


The orbit method was introduced by the author, A. A. Kirillov, in the 1960s and remains a useful and powerful tool in areas such as Lie theory, group representations, integrable systems, complex and symplectic geometry, and mathematical physics. This book describes the essence of the orbit method for non-experts and gives the first systematic, detailed, and self-contained exposition of the method. It starts with a convenient “User’s Guide” and contains numerous examples. It can be used as a text for a graduate course, as well as a handbook for non-experts and a reference book for research mathematicians and mathematical physicists.


 1001 Problems in Classical Number Theory


作者:  Jean-Marie De Koninck,Armel Mercier


In the spirit of The Book of the One Thousand and One Nights, the authors offer 1001 problems in number theory in a way that entices the reader to immediately attack the next problem. Whether a novice or an experienced mathematician, anyone fascinated by numbers will find a great variety of problems—some simple, others more complex—that will provide them with a wonderful mathematical experience.


Complex Proofs of Real Theorems


作者:  Peter D. Lax,Lawrence Zalcman


Complex Proofs of Real Theorems is an extended meditation on Hadamard’s famous dictum, “The shortest and best way between two truths of the real domain often passes through the imaginary one.” Directed at an audience acquainted with analysis at the first year graduate level, it aims at illustrating how complex variables can be used to provide quick and efficient proofs of a wide variety of important results in such areas of analysis as approximation theory, operator theory, harmonic analysis, and complex dynamics.





美國數學學會(American Mathematical SocietyAMS)是美國數學領域推動數學研究和數學教育的知名組織,本身為一非營利機構,旨在促進關於數學之研究,並且對數學教育提供協助與建議以及促進各國數學家之交流活動等等。



Ebook Central 平臺

ProQuest Ebook Central 平臺(簡稱EBC),是一個綜合類的外文電子書平臺,共收錄全球2400多家著名大學出版社、專業出版商、學術出版機構出版的近200萬種電子書,以近年來新出版的圖書為主,並會定期更新電子書資源。EBC 主要內容覆蓋電腦科學、經濟、商業、文學、語言、歷史、藝術、哲學與教育學等全學科領域。涉及50多種語言,覆蓋英語、德語、法語、西班牙語、葡萄牙語、阿拉伯語等。


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好書推薦 | 婦女史外文電子書(三) Thu, 11 Apr 2024 04:32:04 +0000 本篇精選10本關於「婦女史」外文書籍。讀者可通過 Ebook Central 平臺可查閱、利用這些書籍。     Talking Back : Native Women and the Making of the Early South 《反駁:原住民婦女與早期南方的形成》 作者: Alejandra Dubcovsky 內容簡介: A pathbreaking look at Native women of the early South who defined power and defied authority. Historian Alejandra Dubcovsky tells a story of war, slavery, loss, remembrance, and the women whose resilience and […]

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本篇精選10關於婦女史外文書籍。讀者可通過 Ebook Central 平臺可查閱、利用這些書籍。



Talking Back : Native Women and the Making of the Early South


作者: Alejandra Dubcovsky


A pathbreaking look at Native women of the early South who defined power and defied authority. Historian Alejandra Dubcovsky tells a story of war, slavery, loss, remembrance, and the women whose resilience and resistance transformed the colonial South. In exploring their lives she rewrites early American history, challenging the established male-centered narrative.Dubcovsky reconstructs the lives of Native women—Timucua, Apalachee, Chacato, and Guale—to show how they made claims to protect their livelihoods, bodies, and families. Through the stories of the Native cacica who demanded her authority be recognized; the elite Spanish woman who turned her dowry and household into a source of independent power; the Floridiana who slapped a leading Native man in the town square; and the Black woman who ran a successful business at the heart of a Spanish town, Dubcovsky reveals the formidable women who claimed and used their power, shaping the history of the early South.


Undaunted : How Women Changed American Journalism


作者: Brooke Kroeger


Undaunted is a representative history of the American women who surmounted every impediment put in their way to do journalism’s most valued work. From Margaret Fuller’s improbable success to the highly paid reporters of the mid-nineteenth century to the breakthrough investigative triumphs of Nellie Bly, Ida Tarbell, and Ida B. Wells, Brooke Kroeger examines the lives of the best-remembered and long-forgotten woman journalists. She explores the careers of standout woman reporters who covered the major news stories and every conflict at home and abroad since before the Civil War, and she celebrates those exceptional careers up to the present, including those of Martha Gellhorn, Rachel Carson, Janet Malcolm, Joan Didion, Cokie Roberts, and Charlayne Hunter-Gault.


A History of Women in 101 Objects : A walk through female history

《101 件物品中的女性歷史: 女性歷史漫步》

作者: Annabelle Hirsch


With engaging prose and compelling stories, Annabelle Hirsch’s book contains a curated and diverse compendium of women and their things, uncovering the thoughts and feelings at the heart of women’s daily lives. The result is an intimate and stirring alternative history of humans in the world. The objects date from prehistory to today and are assembled chronologically to show the evolution of how women were perceived by others, how they perceived themselves, how they fought for freedom. Some (like a sixteenth-century glass dildo) are objects of female pleasure, some (a thumbscrew) of female subjugation. These are artifacts of women celebrated by history and of women unfairly forgotten by it. With variety and nuance, A History of Women in 101 Objects cracks open the fissures of what we think we know in order to illuminate a much richer retelling: What do handprints on early cave paintings tell us about the role of women in hunting? How is a cell phone related to femicides? What does Kim Kardashian’s diamond ring have to do with Elena Ferrante?


Lady Caroline Lamb : A Free Spirit


作者: Antonia Fraser


From the outset, Caroline Lamb had a rebellious nature. From childhood she grew increasingly troublesome, experimenting with sedatives like laudanum, and she had a special governess to control her. She also had a merciless wit and talent for mimicry. She spoke French and German fluently, knew Greek and Latin, and sketched impressive portraits. As the niece of Georgiana, Duchess of Devonshire, she was already well connected, and her courtly skills resulted in her marriage to the Hon. William Lamb (later Lord Melbourne) at the age on nineteen. For a few years they enjoyed a happy marriage, despite Lamb’s siblings and mother-in-law detesting her and referring to her as “the little beast.”
In 1812 Caroline embarked on a well-publicised affair with the poet Lord Byron – he was 24, she 26. Her phrase “mad, bad and dangerous to know” became his lasting epitaph. When he broke things off, Caroline made increasingly public attempts to reunite. Her obsession came to define much of her later life, as well as influencing her own writing – most notably the Gothic novel Glenarvon – and Byron’s.


Young and Restless : The Girls Who Sparked America’s Revolutions


作者: Mattie Kahn


Young and Restless recounts one of the most foundational and underappreciated forces in moments of American revolution: teenage girls. From the American Revolution itself to the Civil Rights Movement to nuclear disarmament protests and the women’s liberation movement, through Black Lives Matter and school strikes for climate, Mattie Kahn uncovers how girls have leveraged their unique strengths, from fandom to intimate friendships, to organize and lay serious political groundwork for movements that often sidelined them. Their stories illuminate how much we owe to girls throughout the generations, what skills young women use to mobilize and find their voices, and, crucially, what we can all stand to learn from them.


Rebuilding Community : Displaced Women and the Making of a Shia Ismaili Muslim Sociality


作者: Shenila Khoja-Moolji


Rebuilding Community tells the story of how Ismaili Muslim women who fled East Pakistan and East Africa in the 1970s recreated religious community (jamat) in North America. Drawing on oral histories, fieldwork, and memory texts, Khoja-Moolji illuminates the placemaking activities through which Ismaili women reproduce bonds of spiritual kinship: from cooking for congregants on feast days and looking after sick coreligionists to engaging in memory work through miracle stories and cookbooks. Khoja-Moolji situates these activities within the framework of ethical norms that more broadly define and sustain the Ismaili sociality. Jamat–and religious community more generally–is not a given, but an ethical relation that is maintained daily and intergenerationally through everyday acts of care. By emphasizing women’s care work in producing relationality and repairing trauma, Khoja-Moolji disrupts the conventional articulation of displaced people as dependent subjects.


All She Lost : The Explosion in Lebanon, the Collapse of a Nation and the Women Who Survive


作者: Dalal Mawad


On August 4 2020, a huge explosion in the heart of Beirut killed hundreds of people – it was the apocalypse of a sequence of events that have led to Lebanon’s unprecedented collapse. Award-winning journalist Dalal Mawad was in Lebanon when the blast happened, and was one of the first journalists to report on the mysterious and devastating explosion.
During her reporting, she discovered something else – that it is the women who stay behind, and it is through their stories that the history of the Middle East must be re-constructed. She set out to record the stories of those she met, the women long discriminated against, and those whose stories are untold.
She spoke to mothers who lost their children, spouses who lost their partners, refugee women who have fled from the war in Syria – and who now find themselves in another failing state. We hear from the Lebanese grandmother, bankrupted by the small nation’s collapse, who remembers Beirut’s glory days of the 1960s – when the likes of Brigitte Bardot and Miles Davis came to Beirut. And then the women like Dalal herself, who have left their home behind.
The women in this book all experienced the explosion and suffered unimaginable loss and tragedy, but it is not just this one event that brings them together. Their personal stories converged to tell the story of a nation whose glory days are long gone, now riven by protracted violence, lurching from crisis to crisis, and fighting to survive. It tells not only of what these women have lost, but also what Lebanon has lost, and a part of the Middle East that is no more.



Women, Gender and History in India


作者: Nita Kumar


Women, Gender and History in India examines Indian history through a thematic lens of women and gender across different contexts.

Through an inter-disciplinary approach, Nita Kumar uses sources from literature, folklore, religion, and art to discuss historical and anthropological ways of interpreting the issues surrounding women and gender in history. As part of the scholarly movement away from a Grand Narrative of South Asian history and culture, this volume places emphasis on the diversity of women and their experiences. It does this by including analyses of many different primary sources together with discussion around a wide variety of theoretical and methodological debates – from the mixed role of colonial law and education to the conundrum of a patriarchy that worships the Goddess while it strives to keep women in subservience.



Pure Wit : The Revolutionary Life of Margaret Cavendish


作者: Francesca Peacock


Puts Cavendish back into the literary history books where she belongs’ Kate Mosse’Scholarly, articulate, and never less than fascinating’ Alice LoxtonA biography of the remarkable, and in her time scandalous, seventeenth-century writer Margaret Cavendish, Duchess of Newcastle.’My ambition is not only to be Empress, but Authoress of a whole world.’Margaret Cavendish, then Lucas, was born in 1623 to a wealthy family. In 1644, as England descended into civil war, she joined the court of the formidable Queen Henrietta Maria at Oxford, before following the court into exile in France. It was there that she met her much older lifelong partner, William Cavendish, Marquess of Newcastle-upon-Tyne.Cavendish was a revolutionary writer. At a time when literature was dominated by men, she wrote passionately on gender, science and philosophy, defied convention by publishing under her own name, and advocated for women in work that predates the feminist movement. In 1666, she published The Blazing World, a brilliant, trail-blazing proto-novel thought to be one of the earliest works of science fiction. But her legacy divides opinion. And history has largely forgotten her.In Pure Wit, Francesca Peacock shines a spotlight on the fascinating, pioneering, yet often complex and controversial life of Margaret Cavendish.



The Odyssey of the Nigerian Woman


作者: Oluwakemi Abiodun Adesina, Aisha Balarabe Bawa等


This book explores the roles that Nigerian women have played since pre-colonial times in shaping the culture, customs and values of the different societies that now constitute parts of the modern Nigerian state. The contributions gathered here provide engaging explanations of different aspects of Nigerian life, highlighting the effects of patriarchy, colonialism, industry, and international policies on women in Africa’s most populous country. This book represents a major contribution to African women’s history and gender studies globally, and will appeal to students and scholars of women’s history and gender interested in understanding life and its challenges in the Global South.




Ebook Central 平臺

ProQuest Ebook Central 平臺(簡稱EBC),是一個綜合類的外文電子書平臺,共收錄全球2400多家著名大學出版社、專業出版商、學術出版機構出版的近200萬種電子書,以近年來新出版的圖書為主,並會定期更新電子書資源。EBC 主要內容覆蓋電腦科學、經濟、商業、文學、語言、歷史、藝術、哲學與教育學等全學科領域。涉及50多種語言,覆蓋英語、德語、法語、西班牙語、葡萄牙語、阿拉伯語等。


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好書推薦 | 婦女史外文電子書(二) Thu, 11 Apr 2024 04:21:37 +0000 本篇精選10本關於「婦女史」外文書籍。讀者可通過 Ebook Central 平臺可查閱、利用這些書籍。     Zelda Popkin : The Life and Times of an American Jewish Woman Writer 《薩爾達-波普金:美國猶太女作家的生活與時代》 作者: Jeremy D. Popkin 內容簡介: Zelda Popkin’s adventurous life could have made her the protagonist of one of her own novels. In his brilliant telling of the story of her life, her historian grandson, Jeremy […]

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本篇精選10關於婦女史外文書籍。讀者可通過 Ebook Central 平臺可查閱、利用這些書籍。



Zelda Popkin : The Life and Times of an American Jewish Woman Writer


作者: Jeremy D. Popkin


Zelda Popkin’s adventurous life could have made her the protagonist of one of her own novels. In his brilliant telling of the story of her life, her historian grandson, Jeremy D. Popkin, has made a singular contribution to the history of American Jewish women in the twentieth century.


Joan of Arc : A Reference Guide to Her Life and Works


作者: Scott Manning


Joan of Arc is the most recognizable woman from medieval Europe, yet the details of her life remain obscure to the general public while heavily debated by specialists. Rising from obscurity to insert herself into the court of French King Charles VII before marching with his armies to combat the enemies of the crown during the Hundred Years War, she was eventually captured, tried in an inquisition, and then executed as a relapsed heretic at the age of 19.

Joan of Arc: A Reference Guide of Her Life and Works focuses on her life, and legacy. It features a chronology, an introduction offers a brief account of her life, a dictionary section lists entries on people, groups, places, events, topics, terms, and medieval documents central to Joan’s life including her letters, contemporary perspectives, her condemnation trial, and the nullification proceedings eventually blessed by the pope to overturn the verdict of the condemnation trial. This book aims to provide an understanding not just of Joan, but of the culture that produced and ultimately destroyed her.


Empress of the Nile : The Daredevil Archaeologist Who Saved Egypt’s Ancient Temples from Destruction


作者: Lynne Olson


In the 1960s, the world’s attention was focused on a nail-biting race against time: the international campaign to save a dozen ancient Egyptian temples from drowning in the floodwaters of the gigantic new Aswan High Dam. But the coverage of this unprecedented rescue effort completely overlooked the daring French archaeologist who made it all happen. Without the intervention of Christiane Desroches-Noblecourt, the temples—including the Temple of Dendur, now at New York’s Metropolitan Museum of Art—would currently be at the bottom of a vast reservoir. It was an unimaginably complex project that required the fragile sandstone temples to be dismantled and rebuilt on higher ground.


Untold Power : The Fascinating Rise and Complex Legacy of First Lady Edith Wilson


作者: Rebecca Boggs Roberts


While this nation has yet to elect its first woman president—and though history has downplayed her role—just over a century ago a woman became the nation’s first acting president. In fact, she was born in 1872, and her name was Edith Bolling Galt Wilson. She climbed her way out of Appalachian poverty and into the highest echelons of American power and in 1919 effectively acted as the first woman president of the U.S. (before women could even vote nationwide) when her husband, Woodrow Wilson, was incapacitated. Beautiful, brilliant, charismatic, catty, and calculating, she was a complicated figure whose personal quest for influence reshaped the position of First Lady into one of political prominence forever. And still nobody truly understands who she was.

For the first time, we have a biography that takes an unflinching look at the woman whose ascent mirrors that of many powerful American women before and since, one full of the compromises and complicities women have undertaken throughout time in order to find security for themselves and make their mark on history. She was a shape-shifter who was obsessed with crafting her own reputation, at once deeply invested in exercising her own power while also opposing women’s suffrage. With narrative verve and fresh eyes, Untold Power is a richly overdue examination of one of American history’s most influential, complicated women as well as the surprising and often absurd realities of American politics.


The Exceptions : Nancy Hopkins, MIT, and the Fight for Women in Science

《例外: 南茜-霍普金斯、麻省理工學院和為科學界女性而戰》

作者: Kate Zernike


From the Pulitzer Prize–winning journalist who broke the story, The Exceptions chronicles groundbreaking science and a history-making fight for equal opportunity. It is the “excellent and infuriating” (The New York Times) story of how a group of determined, brilliant women used the power of the collective and the tools of science to inspire ongoing radical change. And it offers an intimate look at the passion that drives discovery, and a rare glimpse into the competitive, hierarchical world of elite science—and the women who dared to challenge it.


George VI and Elizabeth : The Marriage That Saved the Monarchy


作者: Sally Bedell Smith


Granted special access by Queen Elizabeth II to her parents’ letters and diaries and to the papers of their close friends and family, Sally Bedell Smith brings the love story of this iconic royal couple to vibrant life. This deeply researched and revealing book shows how a loving and devoted marriage helped the King and Queen meet the challenges of World War II, lead a nation, solidify the public’s faith in the monarchy, and raise their daughters, Princess Elizabeth and Princess Margaret.


A Woman of Influence : The Spectacular Rise of Alice Spencer in Tudor England


作者: Vanessa Wilkie


Now, in “this riveting tale reads more like a legal thriller than historical nonfiction” (Beth Morrison, coauthor of The Lawless Land), the full story of the remarkable Alice Spencer Stanley Egerton is revealed. A woman both ahead of and part of her time, Alice’s ruthless challenging of the status quo has inspired future generations of Spencers and will change the way you view Tudor women.


Grandmothers, Our Grandmothers : Remembering the Comfort Women of World War II


作者: Han Seong-won


Grandmothers, Our Grandmothers is a beautifully and sensitively rendered narrative of the ongoing crusade of WWII’s most courageous survivors: the “Comfort Women”—sex slaves—of the Japanese Imperial Army. This offering in graphic novel format is both a moving tribute and a call to awareness that, though addressing young adults, speaks to all of us.Focusing on the “Comfort Women” of his native Korea as well as from other countries, author and artist Han Seong-won tells the stories of women who were coerced, sometimes through abduction, into sexual slavery wherever the Japanese army put down stakes. Through his personal encounters with these valiant women, Han portrays strong individuals who refused to allow their identities to be defined by what was forced upon them. Rather, they are defined by their continuing triumph over pain, loss and memory even though their ordeals remain with them in some form to this day. Now in their nineties, these women are artists, musicians and activists. They share their personal stories with us, and give us their testimony.


Mistress of Life and Death : The Dark Journey of Maria Mandl, Head Overseer of the Women’s Camp at Auschwitz-Birkenau


作者: Susan J. Eischeid


By the time of her execution at thirty-six, Maria Mandl had achieved the highest rank possible for a woman in the Third Reich. As Head Overseer of the women’s camp at Auschwitz-Birkenau, she was personally responsible for the murders of thousands, and for the torture and suffering of countless more. In this riveting biography, Susan J. Eischeid explores how Maria Mandl, regarded locally as “a nice girl from a good family,” came to embody the very worst of humanity.


Koume’s World : The Life and Work of a Samurai Woman Before and After the Meiji Restoration


作者: Simon Partner


Kawai Koume (1804–1889) was an accomplished poet and painter and a wife, mother, and grandmother in a lower-ranking samurai family in the provincial castle town of Wakayama. She was an eyewitness to many of the key events leading up to the Meiji Restoration and the radical changes that followed, including the famine of 1837, the great earthquake of 1854, the cholera epidemic of 1859, and the departure of samurai to fight in the civil wars of the 1860s. For more than fifty years, she kept a diary recording her family’s daily life―meals and expenses, visitors and the weather, small-town gossip and news of momentous events.
Through Koume’s eyes and words, Simon Partner opens a window on social, economic, and cultural life amid some of the most dramatic periods of Japan’s transformative nineteenth century. Koume’s World vividly portrays the everyday activities, social interactions, information networks, cultural production, and household economy of a samurai family across the Tokugawa-Meiji divide. Partner’s narrative offers a remarkably detailed portrait of the dynamic working life of a female artist and household manager while also giving a regional perspective on the upheavals surrounding the Meiji Restoration. A compelling microhistorical study of gender, economy, and society in nineteenth-century Japan, Koume’s World is a compelling account of how one woman experienced both mundane routines and drastic social transformations.



Ebook Central 平臺

ProQuest Ebook Central 平臺(簡稱EBC),是一個綜合類的外文電子書平臺,共收錄全球2400多家著名大學出版社、專業出版商、學術出版機構出版的近200萬種電子書,以近年來新出版的圖書為主,並會定期更新電子書資源。EBC 主要內容覆蓋電腦科學、經濟、商業、文學、語言、歷史、藝術、哲學與教育學等全學科領域。涉及50多種語言,覆蓋英語、德語、法語、西班牙語、葡萄牙語、阿拉伯語等。


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