Derwent Enriched patent data, applications and services for inventors Mon, 09 May 2022 14:58:00 +0000 ru-RU hourly 1 Derwent 32 32 Seeing your global IP risk profile couldn’t be easier: New patent litigation solutions from Clarivate Mon, 29 Mar 2021 08:36:39 +0000 With patent infringement lawsuits continuing to rise[1] in jurisdictions around the world, it’s critical for companies to understand their global risk profiles before investing in new products, forming new development partnerships or acquiring new businesses. However, for many organizations, evaluating risk across all their major global markets is a complex and costly exercise. At Clarivate, […]

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With patent infringement lawsuits continuing to rise[1] in jurisdictions around the world, it’s critical for companies to understand their global risk profiles before investing in new products, forming new development partnerships or acquiring new businesses. However, for many organizations, evaluating risk across all their major global markets is a complex and costly exercise.

At Clarivate, we’re continuing to build a new data model that brings together patent, company and litigation data in new ways to help our clients reduce their cost of doing business while managing risk and accelerating innovation. Our new patent litigation solutions – now available through Derwent Innovation™ and Innography™ – represent another significant step forward in providing a comprehensive view of the global IP landscape to our clients, where they need it.


Global perspective and integrated data for confident decision-making

The new patent litigation modules combine our proprietary Darts-ip™ patent litigation case data with the search, analytics and visualization capabilities of our leading patent intelligence platforms, Derwent Innovation and Innography. Users can now perform a freedom-to-operate (FTO) study that covers more than 140 jurisdictions in a single workflow or analyze the litigation activities of a key competitor by jurisdiction, case length or outcome alongside other correlated patent data – such as PatentStrength™, forward citations or examiner citations.

With integrated patent, litigation and company data, users will have the global perspective and data quality they need to make more informed global R&D, M&A and FTO decisions, and manage their company’s global risk profile with confidence.

By making IP intelligence more accessible, more flexible and more actionable, we can offer the solutions our clients need to create, protect and advance innovations that will transform the world for the better.


Contact us to learn more.



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Demystifying the 5G standard essential patent landscape with manual SEP analysis Fri, 12 Mar 2021 17:42:11 +0000 In a new report, Clarivate patent analysts Gaurav Sawant, Parijat Oak and Ed White identify core patents to 5G standards. With a report published in August 2020, Demystifying the 5G standard essential patent landscape, we presented the statistics of patents declared as essential to 5G standards. This analysis was a first step to understanding the […]

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In a new report, Clarivate patent analysts Gaurav Sawant, Parijat Oak and Ed White identify core patents to 5G standards.

With a report published in August 2020, Demystifying the 5G standard essential patent landscape, we presented the statistics of patents declared as essential to 5G standards. This analysis was a first step to understanding the 5G standard essential patent landscape. As discussed then, manual review of the declared patents would then be necessary to assess overlap of the patent claims with the declared 5G standards. This phase would allow us to identify core patents from the declared patent landscape.

As a next step, our SEP experts conducted an extensive study, manually analyzing more than 14,300 declared patent families that had at least one granted patent against the declared 5G standards. We found that nearly 22% of declared patent families had a high overlap with the declared standards and are therefore ‘core’ to 5G standards.

Almost three quarters of the core patents are held by six companies: Huawei, Samsung, Nokia, LG, Ericsson and Qualcomm.

To learn more, read the full report by downloading via the form to the right of this post.

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McKinsey report and Clarivate data identify global innovation’s pivot to Asia Thu, 14 Jan 2021 10:08:09 +0000 IP activity in Asia has undergone two unmistakeable shifts in recent years, both spearheaded by Mainland China. The first has progressed over the long-term and seen Asia become a global innovation hub and take the lead in global patent filings. The second shift, which has taken place much more rapidly, concerns a pivot away from […]

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IP activity in Asia has undergone two unmistakeable shifts in recent years, both spearheaded by Mainland China. The first has progressed over the long-term and seen Asia become a global innovation hub and take the lead in global patent filings. The second shift, which has taken place much more rapidly, concerns a pivot away from patent quantity towards patent quality.

A recent report from McKinsey & Company uses Clarivate data to explore Asia’s impressive technological transformation over the past decade according to a number of measures, including IP creation and strength.

McKinsey used Innography from CPA Global, part of Clarivate, to delve into the IP data to uncover 10 technologies where Asia holds a higher than average share of ‘globally impactful’ patents – four of which also attract a higher than average level of start-up investment: mobile services, AI, Internet of Things and manufacturing equipment. It found that from 2016 to 2018 Asia represented 87% of global patent growth, with Mainland China alone accounting for 45% of the world’s patents during this period.

This IP analysis reveals Asia’s increasingly strong position in high-growth technologies, but as we found in our 2020 report there are further signals that innovation and IP in Asia is swiftly maturing.


A new IP strategy in Mainland China

While Mainland China is dominant across all IP metrics, a closer look reveals a change in tack. For years Chinese patent volumes increased exponentially, spurred on by a coordinated industrial and IP strategy. In 2019 however, Chinese patent applications fell by 9.2% – the first decline in 24 years.

This watershed moment was no accident. It reflected a purposeful shift away from leading on patent quantity towards leading on quality. Mainland China’s flight to quality (and growing international influence[1]) is also evidenced in the growing percentage taken up by invention patents versus utility model patents, increase in international patents and perhaps above all, in the country’s rising share of Highly Cited Researchers™, with Chinese fundamental research now frequently referenced in Western studies.

The prominence of Mainland China’s intellectual capital is indicative of a change in strategy. Whereas previously the government focused funding to facilitate research and large volumes of patent filing activity (resulting in widespread IP awareness), incentives are now more closely aligned with patents that have the potential to have a commercial and global applicability.


This watershed moment was no accident. It reflected a purposeful shift away from leading on patent quantity towards leading on quality.


To a large extent, this has caused the Chinese economic landscape to split into a three-tier pyramid. The few at the top are those which are already leveraging IP assets and have a globalized business model. Those in the middle are dynamically approaching IP creation and seeking to internationalize – it is these who are most likely to benefit from state funding for innovation. And those at the bottom, for whom IP is less of a strategic imperative, are those that have little or no international strategy and focus only on the domestic Mainland Chinese market.

In addition to this, the world’s second largest economy is also increasingly becoming a major venue for IP enforcement and litigation (including for international patent holders), a further sign the country is reaching maturity as an IP jurisdiction.


Beyond Mainland China

While Mainland China’s scale and rate of development makes it a focal point, it’s crucial to consider the size and diversity of innovation across Asia to paint the full picture. IP trends in advanced Asia-Pacific economies such as Japan, South Korea and Australia are more similar to those of Western countries, with high levels of innovation but slower growth. Companies in these countries perform strongly across the full spectrum of IP rights, greatly contributing to the continent’s clout in terms of brands as well as technologies.

While Mainland China remains a dominant force in key sectors, this heterogeneity across Asia means there is far more to come from the continent.

Further innovation is expected out of Southeast Asia, with the Association of Southeast Asian Nations counting a 13% compound annual growth rate in patent applications from 2010 to 2019 and forecast to be the world’s fourth largest economy by 2030. In the long-term, South Asia is also likely to emerge as a powerful (and as yet largely untapped) source of innovation. Learn more about this developing innovation center by reading the Clarivate South and South East Asia Innovation report.

Global IP production is spearheaded by Asia, but these IP trends indicate an underlying reality. As Asian economies continue to lead the way in generating new IP assets, Mainland China is repositioning on the world stage and helping to transform perceptions of the continent from being a manufacturing center into a credible and world-leading innovation hub.


Learn more by reading the Clarivate IP Asia 2020 Special Report.



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What IP intelligence reveals about transformation, trends and opportunities in the alcoholic beverage industry [Report] Thu, 17 Dec 2020 09:39:22 +0000 Clarivate releases a new report on the alcoholic beverage industry, integrating insights across patent, domain, trademark and case law data to understand how this sector continues to be a beacon of innovation. The holiday season this year promises to be like few before. No Christmas markets, no jostling with fellow shoppers, perhaps no gathering together […]

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Clarivate releases a new report on the alcoholic beverage industry, integrating insights across patent, domain, trademark and case law data to understand how this sector continues to be a beacon of innovation.

The holiday season this year promises to be like few before. No Christmas markets, no jostling with fellow shoppers, perhaps no gathering together with friends or family – but despite these changes (or maybe because of them), many will still indulge in a tipple or two.

The alcoholic beverage industry, like many other industries, has adapted to the continuing economic uncertainty caused by the global pandemic. In our latest report, Distilling the IP dynamics of the alcoholic beverage industry, Clarivate analysts use integrated IP insights to explore the transformation, trends and opportunities in the multi-billion dollar global alcoholic beverage industry.


The power of branding

Perhaps more so than in any other sector, players in the alcoholic beverage industry understand the power of branding. As consummate marketers, they navigate regulations that aim to ensure responsible marketing of alcohol and vary from country to country, while delivering memorable campaigns such as Aviation Gin’s parody of Peloton’s holiday ad.

It’s hardly surprising then that alcoholic beverage companies have gone to considerable lengths to protect their brands. Our trademark intelligence from CompuMark™ revealed that trademark applications in Nice class 32 and 33 – covering beers, non-alcoholic and alcoholic beverages – have risen significantly since 2017. This could possibly lead to brand disputes rising in the future.


Changing consumption patterns and consumer trends

Changing consumption patterns and consumer behavior are also transforming the industry. Health conscious millennials and Gen Z drinkers are turning to lower alcohol drinks; discerning drinkers are increasingly turning to craft drinks, whether craft beer or gin. Through our Derwent™ patent intelligence, we see beer patent activity  rising, with Mainland China the leading innovator, well ahead of second place South Korea and the United States, who surpassed Germany to claim third place.

Another trend that continues to influence development within the alcoholic beverage industry is premiumization. With greater purchasing power and a growing middle class in markets such as Mainland China, the desire for authenticity and status has accelerated demand for protection of premium products through Geographical Indications (GIs). In fact, using our Darts-ip™ case data and analytics solution, we uncover interesting insights on the most ubiquitous GIs in alcoholic beverage IP cases – exploring not only which GIs have the widest protection, but also the protection strategies of the largest alcoholic names with protected geographic status.


The digital potential

Perhaps the most surprising insight is what our MarkMonitorTM domain data reveal about alcoholic beverage companies’ online strategies. Our MarkMonitor domain intelligence explains how alcoholic beverage brands could take advantage of new top level domains such as .BEER and .VODKA to drive traffic to their websites and engage with consumers. For a fast-moving industry, the level of internet innovation or new generic Top-Level Domain (gTLD) adoption is low compared to another dynamic sector, the gaming industry. Will we see more alcoholic beverage companies apply for their .BRAND domain when the Internet Corporation of Assigned Names and Numbers’ (ICANN) next round of TLD applications come around?


Intelligence from integrated IP

By analyzing IP activity using a blend of case, domain, patent and trademark data, we can also see a geographic shift in the industry. Mainland China is emerging as a prominent player, dominating innovation across the alcoholic beverage IP lifecycle.

Insights from integrated IP offer strategists, marketers, research and development teams and more the opportunity to better understand the market landscape, where potential opportunities or pitfalls lie, and the likely trajectory of some trends.

Want to know what else IP intelligence tells us about the alcoholic beverage industry? Read Distilling the IP dynamics of the alcoholic beverage industry to learn more.

Interested in more research from our IP experts? See our recent analysis of the future of cloud gaming or learn how the pandemic is affecting corporate innovation strategies.


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Shaping the future of IP intelligence Thu, 10 Dec 2020 10:22:02 +0000 A new report examines the critical role intellectual property (IP) plays in enabling organizations to stay a step ahead of disruption—and how Clarivate is realigning its data, technology and expertise to meet the needs of a rapidly changing business landscape. Read it now.   Disruption is not just a buzzword; it’s a daily reality for […]

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A new report examines the critical role intellectual property (IP) plays in enabling organizations to stay a step ahead of disruption—and how Clarivate is realigning its data, technology and expertise to meet the needs of a rapidly changing business landscape. Read it now.


Disruption is not just a buzzword; it’s a daily reality for organizations in virtually every industry. Creative destruction is accelerating as S&P 500 lifespans continue to shrink, requiring new strategies for navigating disruption. Innosight estimates that 50% of the companies currently listed on the S&P 500 will disappear by 2027. What will the survivors have in common? The ability to focus on the right innovations and get them to market faster and more efficiently. That puts intelligent use of IP data at the center of successful business strategies.

In our report, Data unleashed: How Clarivate is shaping the future of IP intelligence, we examine the factors driving the need for a new IP data model—and how Clarivate is taking the lead in shaping the future of IP information and insights. Our goal: to accelerate innovation and bring new products to market faster, while reducing the cost of doing business and mitigating risk by investing in the innovations that matter.


New realities demand a new approach to IP

Business professionals are facing rising pressures from all sides. Digital disruptors are driving a growing demand for data-driven decisions and strategies. The increasing speed of business creates the need to simplify increasingly complex portfolios and processes. Proliferating competitive and security risks demand new, actionable insights. Professionals must meet these challenges with flat or even decreasing resources.

These growing trends are giving rise to new information business models—including cloud-based and “as-a-service” models that put flexible capabilities at users’ fingertips.

At Clarivate, we believe these forces and trends define the future of our business. Business and R&D professionals need easier access to IP data and intelligence in ways that meet their specific needs, in real time. Prepackaged “products” have their place but they can’t deliver on these emerging needs. That’s why Clarivate is moving toward a new model that allows professionals to put information resources from diverse IP domains together in flexible ways to meet the needs of the moment.


Creating productive, personalized experiences

Realizing this new model of IP data delivery requires a combination of advanced technologies, from automated data cleansing to big data analytics to advanced natural language processing and visualization. The result will combine virtual data sources across diverse IP domains—trademarks, patents, domain names, copyrights, legal decisions, competitive intelligence and more—to allow extremely flexible, individualized experiences.

Having seamless access to all Clarivate IP datasets will:

  • enable branding and legal professionals to collaborate more easily and mitigate risk more effectively
  • give researchers and innovators the ability to make novel connections across IP domains, leading to new product ideas that accelerate innovation and fuel growth
  • provide data scientists and application developers with access to timely IP data to build powerful, new research tools for a wide range of business applications to speed the pace of business

These are just a few examples. The true potential of Clarivate data, technology and expertise is unlimited, waiting to be discovered by the professionals who avail themselves of this new “IP intelligence-as-a-service” model.


Realizing this bold vision

This is the future—not just for Clarivate, but for the entire IP space. We’re well on the way to making it a reality. Recent investments by Clarivate are focused on strengthening our ability to deliver on this bold vision.

By making IP intelligence more accessible, more flexible and more actionable, we can provide the clarity our customers need to create, protect and advance innovations that will transform the world for the better.


To get the full story, read Data unleashed: How Clarivate is shaping the future of IP intelligence.



This report and any statements included herein may contain forward-looking statements regarding Clarivate. Forward-looking statements provide current expectations or forecasts of future events and may include statements regarding outcomes, anticipated capabilities and other future expectations. These statements involve risks and uncertainties including factors outside of the control of Clarivate that may cause actual outcomes to differ materially. Clarivate undertakes no obligation to update or revise the statements made herein, whether as a result of new information, future events or otherwise.


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Innovation in South and South East Asia Thu, 10 Dec 2020 08:41:39 +0000 South and South East Asia, as a region, is dynamic and diverse. While South Asia consists of 8 countries, South East Asia consists of 11 countries. Together, the region spans 19 countries that are geographically close, culturally diverse and each at varying stages of economic development. The recognition of innovation as a key driver for […]

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South and South East Asia, as a region, is dynamic and diverse. While South Asia consists of 8 countries, South East Asia consists of 11 countries. Together, the region spans 19 countries that are geographically close, culturally diverse and each at varying stages of economic development. The recognition of innovation as a key driver for economic growth, though recent, will be the key ingredient in the region’s recipe for long-term sustainable growth.

In a new report, our Derwent™ patent analysts shine light on innovation originating from the region. They identify the region’s leading innovators through research on patents filed between 2014 and 2018 by organizations that are either headquartered in the region, or academic and government institutions that originate from the region.

Clarivate research uses editorially enhanced, authoritative and accurate patent data from Derwent World Patents Index™ (DWPI™) and Derwent Patents Citation Index™  to track innovation based on four indicators:

  • Volume
  • Success
  • Globalization
  • Influence

From analysis of over 75,000 inventions (DWPI Families) across the region, 235 organizations made the final list of leading innovators. These organizations are based in nine countries – Brunei Darussalam, India, Sri Lanka, Singapore, Malaysia, Thailand, Indonesia, Philippines and Vietnam – and include government research institutions, academia and corporations. The top innovators and their patents provide an insight into common trends shaping the future of innovation in this region.


From analysis of over 75,000 inventions (DWPI Families) across the region, 235 organizations made the final list of leading innovators.


Uncovering the key drivers of innovation

Analysis by our patent experts revealed several key drivers of innovation in the region:

  1. Governments are playing an important role in driving innovation. From investment in science and technology, to creating policies that enable innovation, government support is key in developing knowledge-based, innovation-driven economies.
  2. 57% of the top innovators in the region are government research organizations and academic institutions who are leveraging government support, industry-academic partnerships and international collaborations to drive innovation.
  3. 43% of the top innovators in the region are corporations that are rapidly adapting to serve the needs of a changing world to create sustainable growth.
  4. Start-ups are leveraging technology to solve unique customer problems, thus disrupting business models and driving adoption of their products and services at an unprecedented pace.
  5. IP offices are supporting governments’ drive to create an IP-centric culture within their countries to advance innovation.


Download the new report to learn more.



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Analyzing imagination: cloud gaming through the lens of IP Wed, 21 Oct 2020 08:47:01 +0000 In a new report on innovation in the cloud gaming industry, Clarivate IP analysts explore the dynamics of a developing industry, the strategies of companies behind the disruption and what may happen next. Read now.   The story of video gaming stretches back to the very beginning of the computing age. Always a test bed […]

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In a new report on innovation in the cloud gaming industry, Clarivate IP analysts explore the dynamics of a developing industry, the strategies of companies behind the disruption and what may happen next. Read now.


The story of video gaming stretches back to the very beginning of the computing age. Always a test bed and demonstrator for computational power, innovation convergence across display technology, connectivity and processor capability has enabled the growth of an industry now far beyond $100 billion in sales each year.

That growth is not just economic, but also cultural. The stories told in a modern computing game, the way characters are developed and acted, the complexity of production and attention to detail in virtual worlds rivals the production of a major Hollywood film. It is not surprising that the video game industry is now larger than worldwide book sales and has for many years surpassed the global movie box office. As a diversionary pastime, it is likely now the world’s favorite.

The desire for game designers to extend, to push what is possible, has always been in tension with the level of game-playing equipment consumers can afford, can fit or can power in their home.

The launch of major gaming platforms that stream video games into players’ homes, but are run and stored in the cloud, seeks to circumvent that inherent limitation.

In our report Cowboys, Combat and Candy: Cloud Gaming through the lens of IP, Clarivate™ has taken a deep look at the development journey of cloud gaming: the dynamics that have paved the way, the companies that have invested and the future development pathways available for even greater game capability.


Insights from integrated IP

Over the past year, intellectual property analysts from Clarivate IP solutions have been researching how different types of IP registration events can work together to tell a fuller story surrounding commercial development cycles. For example, applying the principles of advanced patent analysis to trademark datasets.

IP activity, whether a patent, a trademark or Internet domain registration, acts like a breadcrumb trail that strategists and researchers can follow.

Our work in laying out the registration trail in cloud gaming, focused on the activities of five major platforms as they approach launch, demonstrates how different IP datasets working together foreshadow what will happen months or even years before those plans are publicly announced.


IP activity, whether a patent, a trademark or Internet domain registration, acts like a breadcrumb trail that strategists and researchers can follow.


As found in other analyses conducted by our IP team, patent data and its unique ability to provide vast technical detail alongside the economic planning of patent applicants, tells us how trends in gaming laid the groundwork for a viable cloud model. Massively, multiplayer online, free-to-play and mobile games have successfully introduced to consumers new ways of paying – such as subscriptions to access virtual worlds, in-game transactions for game content or even in-game advertising.

That foundational activity around commercial models has since subsided, to be replaced by extensive work in solving the very toughest problems in streaming video games. These include the issue of internet latency, which would make games unplayable if there is any delay between a player pressing a button and the game responding.

Our integrated view of IP data tells us that the early work on game designs that only play in a cloud environment is now occurring. We also uncovered companies with extensive technical assets applicable to the industry, but that had not yet registered brands, hinting at imminent release of a service – such as Amazon and Nintendo.


Changing what is possible

The move of the gaming industry to cloud has the potential to disrupt and disintermediate in a strikingly similar way to how YouTube and Netflix have affected traditional broadcasting. As there, content is what matters, and the structure of the industry and how it generates revenues and funds new titles is highly likely to change.

But the chronicles of Geralt of Rivia, created in the written works of Andrzej Sapkowski, writ large in the gaming series The Witcher and now a major live action TV series on Netflix, provides a glimpse of what is really at work.

The ingenuity, education and ideation needed to solve complex technical problems ultimately serve the very human desire for compelling storytelling. Gaming offers this experience in a live, virtual environment. Cloud gaming means those worlds will no longer be limited by the equipment in people’s homes, pushing the bar higher for what is possible.


Read Cowboys, Combat and Candy: Cloud Gaming through the lens of IP or join authors for a webinar to learn more.

Interested in more research from the Clarivate intellectual property team? Read our recent analysis of the bioplastics innovation landscape, or see how the pandemic is affecting corporate innovation strategies and the critical role of the IP professional.


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Demystifying 5G standard essential patent landscape Mon, 17 Aug 2020 04:35:02 +0000 A new Clarivate report from Derwent™ patent experts Ed White, Gaurav Sawant and Parijat Oak explores 5G standards-essential patent declarations A basic principle of communicating any message is that what’s sent is understandable when received. In the competitive and innovative world we live in, the devices and infrastructure over which messages are sent, transported and […]

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A new Clarivate report from Derwent™ patent experts Ed White, Gaurav Sawant and Parijat Oak explores 5G standards-essential patent declarations

A basic principle of communicating any message is that what’s sent is understandable when received. In the competitive and innovative world we live in, the devices and infrastructure over which messages are sent, transported and received are designed and built by a large number of different companies. But the need for communication means that they need to work to a standardized protocol of message and data exchange.

Over time, this need for consistency has extended from phone calls and faxes to influence how different smartphones from various manufacturers connect to cell phone networks provided by a competitive market of network providers.

That means that the telecommunication standards for mobile devices of every flavor have increased in their complexity and the amount of technology they cover – from antennae design and the way radio waves are encoded, to how devices are allocated a mobile signal connection.


Understanding 5G standards setting and patent declarations

In the 5G world, the basic principles of mobile device connectivity have increased again – in performance terms such as speed and bandwidth, but also in how many devices can be connected to a local cell network a time. For 5G, this has increased enormously over 4G and previous protocols. The complexity and breadth of the standards and protocols for 5G are greater than ever.

The source of these standards and protocols is the innovators and telecommunication companies themselves. Through a process of conference and discussion, standards-setting organizations (such as the European Telecommunications Standards Institute or the International Telecommunications Union) take ideas, help with consensus building and hone in on which approaches, technologies and techniques will be incorporated and which will not.

As part of the responsibility of working in and with the protocol-setting process, the companies involved are required to tell the standards body if they have any intellectual property assets (mainly patents) that are likely to restrict usage of the protocol developed. This process is known as standards-essential patent declarations – where anybody who wants to use the devices that work to the standard would necessarily be using the patented technology of a patent holder.


New analysis from Clarivate reviews 5G patent declarations 

I recently co-authored a report with Gaurav Sawant (Senior IP Manager, Clarivate™) and Parijat Oak (Associate IP Director, Clarivate) on 5G-declared patent statistics reviewing the outcomes of standards-essential patent declarations, Demystifying the 5G standards essential patent landscape1. To read the full report, please see the form to the right of this post.

We found more than 27,000 individual patented ideas (covered by a much greater number of duplicate applications and issued patent rights in local legal jurisdictions). Just over half of those patented ideas have so far generated in-force patent rights, while the balance remains patent-pending.

Three quarters of those in-force patent rights are held by seven companies: Huawei, Samsung, ZTE, Nokia, Ericsson, LG and Qualcomm. The remaining quarter are spread across a further 170 entities comprising mobile and network device companies, service providers, chip manufacturers and research institutes. 


Patent declarations are an important first step in understanding the 5G patent ecosystem

A major difficulty in understanding which patents are essential to a standard comes from the fact that declarations are necessarily over-broad. Companies with patent portfolios in the space around the standard will operate from an abundance of caution, and often declare potentially relevant patent assets that in fact read only very narrowly, partially or indeed not at all onto the final standard due to the nuances of patent “claim” structure.  

What that means in practice is that our statistics surrounding standards declarations are just the first stage to understand the ‘standards essential patent’ (SEP) ecosystem for 5G. The world’s intellectual property professionals are needed to jump into these assets and review them for which are indeed essential.

For those companies that are looking to use the incredible potential of 5G-levels of connectivity – for industrial automation, for infrastructure monitoring, for smart cars and cities for example – this is a process to keep an eye on. The outcome of the SEP identification process is one that will determine who you partner with for access to technology, what approach you choose and ultimately how the commercial realities of your innovation will work once it reaches the market.

To learn more, read the full report from authors Ed White,Gaurav Sawant and Parijat Oak by downloading via the form to the right of this post. 

Interested in more research from the Derwent team? Read about companies headed for the Top 100 Innovators list, or see our recent analysis of the COVID-19 patent landscape.

1Clarivate was retained to prepare this report by Sidley Austin LLP on behalf of its client.

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Innovators to watch: Who is heading for the Derwent Top 100 Global Innovators list? Wed, 15 Jul 2020 08:34:02 +0000 The Derwent Top 100 Global Innovators™ is a program produced annually by the Derwent™ team at Clarivate™ to identify and celebrate companies and research institutions at the very top of the global innovation ecosystem. Using the same methodology every year, we measure the patented ideas of over 14,000 entities for their levels of investment, impact […]

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The Derwent Top 100 Global Innovators™ is a program produced annually by the Derwent™ team at Clarivate™ to identify and celebrate companies and research institutions at the very top of the global innovation ecosystem. Using the same methodology every year, we measure the patented ideas of over 14,000 entities for their levels of investment, impact and quality. This year, using a series of threshold tests, we identified the candidates that could be on the pathway to inclusion and the trends among them. Find out who these candidates are in our new report.

The very nature of innovation is profound, but can be convoluted and difficult. Innovators build a culture of generating new ideas and casting them in patent form. They succeed in creating new value from ingenuity.

Our Derwent Top 100 Global Innovators program identifies and celebrates these innovators at the pinnacle of the global innovation ecosystem. We use the same methodology – patent grant success, downstream citation influence on others, and the level of major market cross-protection – every year. This year’s report revealed a rapidly fragmenting innovation landscape. Through our analysis, we noticed the companies and institutions that change their rank over time, even though they do not form part of our Derwent Top 100 Global Innovators list.


Pathway to the Top 100

This year, using a series of selection criteria with no limit placed on a specific number, we identified 24 candidates that could be on the pathway to the Derwent Top 100 Global Innovators list. The 24 organizations identified represent seven countries/regions.

These organizations have one thing in common: the ability to fully exploit ideas for revenue and real-world use. If these organizations do make the list, we will see several firsts. Among our 24 candidates, several also reflect continuing trends seen in the Derwent Top 100 Global Innovators list.


“24 candidates could be on the pathway to the Derwent Top 100 Global Innovators list”


Selection as an innovator to watch

  1. New
    Candidates are not previously included in a Top 100 ranking.
  1. Trajectory
    Their average rise since 2017 needs to be greater than their current gap to the Top 100.
  1. In range
    They are ranked in the Top 250 in 2020.


Getting in and staying in

Competition for inclusion in the Derwent Top 100 Global Innovators is getting tougher. So is staying in, as the ratios required for inclusion have been increasing each year. For those on the pathway to the Derwent Top 100 Global Innovators, the challenge is more difficult than ever before.

The Derwent Top 100 Global Innovators 2020 report showed that space at the top of the innovation ecosystem is getting tight. The scale of new ideas is rising fast and competition among innovators is intense. This means that organizations have to think hard about the protection of their inventions.

Getting in and staying in will require continued and concerted effort on not just patent filing activity, but discerning selection and protection.

Download Derwent Top 100 Global Innovators: Innovators to watch to learn more.

Interested in more research from the Derwent team? Read about this year’s Derwent Top 100 Global Innovators, or our recent analysis of the bioplastics innovation landscape.


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See the broader picture: Darts-ip global IP case data is now at your fingertips Thu, 09 Jul 2020 02:00:51 +0000 Analyzing the litigation and administrative cases relating to a patent or patent owner provides valuable insight for making IP decisions and managing risk. Now, that insight is yours with the integration of Darts-ip global patent case data with Derwent Innovation™. The combined power of global patent data and IP cases The recent Clarivate acquisition of […]

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Analyzing the litigation and administrative cases relating to a patent or patent owner provides valuable insight for making IP decisions and managing risk. Now, that insight is yours with the integration of Darts-ip global patent case data with Derwent Innovation™.

The combined power of global patent data and IP cases

The recent Clarivate acquisition of Darts-ip™, a world-class provider of  IP case data and, brings together two IP leaders with complementary data sets.

By integrating patent case data with Derwent Innovation, you can gain greater context for your most important decisions when building and protecting your IP portfolio. A more complete picture of potential obstacles with litigation history for each result is now at your fingertips, allowing for easy assessment of immediate risks and opportunities, improved efficiency, accelerated decision making and reduced cost.

Integrated view

As of July 9th, 2020, Derwent Innovation users can analyze information on patent registration together with prosecution and litigation insights. This allows you to easily identify the presence of previous litigation, assess your risk of conflict and gain competitive intelligence. Whether drafting claims, researching patent families, refuting examiner objections, monitoring competition or evaluating freedom to operate, you can save time and effort by combining your patent and case research.

A more complete picture of potential obstacles is now at your fingertips, allowing for easy assessment of immediate risks and opportunities, improved efficiency, accelerated decision making and reduced cost.

Authoritative, global data

Darts-ip is the most comprehensive, searchable patent cases database available, with 1.6M+ administrative and judicial patent cases collected from 2,940 courts across 141 countries. Leveraging global IP case data means you no longer have to worry about blind spots leaving you vulnerable to opposition, infringement, validity or injunctive relief attacks, particularly for unfamiliar jurisdictions and competitors.

More than 34,000 IP professionals around the world rely on Darts-ip data to make critical decisions. Now you can too.

Contact us to learn more

1Darts-ip data as of June 2, 2020.

The post See the broader picture: Darts-ip global IP case data is now at your fingertips appeared first on Derwent.

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