Targeting multiple countries? Get the trusted insight you need to determine the availability of your proposed trademark in specific countries with our International Full Search. We search your proposed mark against active trademark registrations to pinpoint identical marks, variant spellings, phonetic equivalents, and similar marks in more than 200 countries and registers.
More about Full Availability Search
Put our global reach and design trademark expertise to work for you. We search your design or logo against visually similar marks in countries around the world. CompuMark’s proprietary, enhanced design coding enables our Analysts to deliver more precise, accurate and relevant image results.
Conduct a thorough international trademark search without putting pressure on your in-house resources. Our International Full Search with Opinion provides unmatched search coverage of more than 200 countries and registers, plus expert local opinions and full coordination of your international search project from start to finish.
Let us help you avoid the costly repercussions of a trademark translation misfire. Leveraging local language experts around the world, Linguistic Search provides trusted information to help determine if your proposed business, product, or service name has an unintended meaning or connotation in a foreign language. It’s the easy way to reduce the risk of an embarrassing and expensive brand misstep prior to significant investment.
Mark H. Trachtenberg, Shareholder
Tore DeBella, Associate
Abby Remley, Trademark Paralegal
Dyan Finguerra-DuCharme, Partner
Lisa Keith, Vice President, Deputy General Counsel
International Register Community Designs Albania Algeria Andorra Argentina Armenia Australia Austria Azerbaijan Bahrain Bangladesh Belarus Benelux Bolivia Bosnia-Herzegovina Brazil Bulgaria Canada Chile China Colombia Costa Rica Croatia Cyprus Czech Republic Denmark |
Dominican Republic Ecuador Egypt El Salvador Estonia Finland France Gaza Georgia Germany Greece Honduras Hong Kong Hungary Iceland India Indonesia Iraq Ireland Israel Italy (including San Marino) Jamaica Japan Jordan Kazahkstan Kuwait Kyrgystan Latvia Lebanon |
Liechtenstein Lithuania Macedonia Malaysia Malta Mexico Moldova Monaco Montenegro Morocco Nepal New Zealand Nicaragua Northern Cyprus Norway O.A.P.I. (16 African countries) Oman Pakistan Panama Paraguay Peru Philippines Poland Portugal Qatar Romania Russian Federation Saudi Arabia Serbia |
Singapore Slovak Republic Slovenia South Africa South Korea Spain Sri Lanka Sweden Switzerland Taiwan Tajikistan Thailand Tunesia Turkey Turkmenistan U.S.A. Ukrain United Arab Emirates United Kingdom Uruguay Uzbekistan Venezuela Vietnam West Bank of Jordan Yemen |
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