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本篇精選10Routledge 出版的關於中東研究專業外文書籍。讀者可通過 Ebook Central 平臺可查閱、利用這些書籍。



Baghdad During the Abbasid Caliphate : From Contemporary Arabic and Persian Sources

《阿拔斯王朝時期的巴格達 : 來自當代阿拉伯語和波斯語的資料》

作者: G. Le Strange


The history of Baghdad as a metropolis coincides with the history of the rise and fall of the Abbasid Caliphs. In this volume, first published in 1900 and written by a recognized authority in the field, the history of the city and of the Abbasid dynasty are closely interwoven so that, from a scholarly blending of contemporary records and discursive narrative, an accurate picture emerges of the state and society within the capital of the Muslim world during the period from the eighth to the thirteenth centuries.


The Middle East in Transition : Studies in Contemporary History


作者:Walter Z. Laqueur


This collection of essays, first published in 1958, presents analyses by some 34 specialists on key political and social trends in the Middle East. They take the reader through the history of the Middle East to help reveal the background behind the changes that took place in the middle of the twentieth century – a time of fundamental political, economic and social change in the region.



Conflict in the Middle East


作者: P.J. Vatikiotis


The Middle East is a continuing crisis area in world politics. This crisp and penetrating book, first published in 1971, analyses the historical development of the major issues in Arab politics, explains the conflicting interests now at stake in the Middle East and how the politics of the area were likely to develop. It examines, among other topics, the Palestine Liberation Movement, the prospects for Arab unity, and Great Power interference, and was written by one of the world’s leading scholars writing on the Middle East.


A History of the Arab State of Zanzibar


作者:Norman R. Bennett


During the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries the fertile islands of Zanzibar and Pemba became of central importance to East Africa’s growing contact with the international economy as the ruling dynasty encouraged trade in cloves, slaves and ivory. This book, first published in 1978, provides an account of the history of Zanzibar from those early days of trade up to independence and the Revolution that removed the Arab ruling class in 1964.


National and International Politics in the Middle East : Essays in Honour of Elie Kedourie


作者:Edward Ingram


First published in 2004. Professor Kedourie is known for his unforgettable essays, for the pattern of interpretation and view of the world which hold his readers spellbound, even when they strongly disagree with his opinions, and for Middle Eastern Studies, which recently reached its majority and which he and Frank Cass together have turned into the foremost scholarly journal in its field. These essays are presented to him by a group of his admirers overseas.


Conflict Management in the Middle East


作者: Steven L Spiegel


This book explores efforts being made to create Russian-American cooperation in managing recurrent conflict in the Middle East. Theoretical, historical, and policy sections provide the framework for chapters that represent the most current, multinational thinking on issues of war prevention, crisis avoidance, and conflict resolution.


The near East : Archaeology in the ‘Cradle of Civilization’


作者: Charles Keith Maisels


The transition from foraging, farming and the neolithic village to the city-state is a complex and fascinating period. Studies on the prehistory of the Near East by nineteenth and twentieth century pioneers in the field transformed archaeology through the creation of the ‘Ages System’ of Stone, Bronze and Iron. The Near East provides a developmental account of this period contextualised by discussion of the emergence of archaeology as a discipline.
The Near East details the causes and effects – enviromental, organizational, demographic and technological – of the world’s first village farming cultures some eight thousand years ago. Charles Maisels explains how cities such as Uruk and Ur, Nippur and Kish formed as a result of geological factors and the role of key organizational features of Sumerian society in introducing the world’s first script, system of calculation and literature.


Bahrain, Oman, Qatar, and the Uae : Challenges of Security 


作者:Anthony H Cordesman


This volume examines the changing economic and internal security challenges faced by the Gulf countries and the problems they face with Iran, Iraq, and other Gulf states. The special military and security needs of Bahrain, Oman, Qatar, and the United Arab Emirates are analyzed here in detail, as are their growing demographic problems and export plans.


 Iraq : Sanctions and Beyond


作者:Anthony H Cordesman, Ahmed S. Hashim


This volume provides analysis of the state of Iraqs security and of current Western policy toward the country in the wake of the Gulf War. It also examines the political, economic, and security impact of sanctions, Iraqs future role as an oil exporter, the U.S. policy of dual containment in relation to Iraq, and options for dealing with Iraq in the future.


A Political Chronology of the Middle East


作者: Europa Publications


This new six-volume series from Europa provides an impartial record of the political, social, cultural, geographical, and economic events that have helped to shape world history. Each of the regional titles records the major events that have shaped each country and region, with greater emphasis given to more recent affairs. Each volume charts each country’s progress, offers a quick perspective into what was once current news, such as elections, wars, disputes, invasions, deaths and assassinations, coronations, diplomatic activities, economic crises, and more.



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ProQuest Ebook Central 平臺(簡稱EBC),是一個綜合類的外文電子書平臺,共收錄全球2400多家著名大學出版社、專業出版商、學術出版機構出版的近200萬種電子書,以近年來新出版的圖書為主,並會定期更新電子書資源。EBC 主要內容覆蓋電腦科學、經濟、商業、文學、語言、歷史、藝術、哲學與教育學等全學科領域。涉及50多種語言,覆蓋英語、德語、法語、西班牙語、葡萄牙語、阿拉伯語等。


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